A I encounter

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At 8:00 AM, Gong Jun rose from his bed and prepared for the day. He diligently cleaned his entire house, cooked and ate breakfast, and followed his usual morning exercise routine. Afterward, he took a break and sat on the sofa in his gym room.

Time passed quickly and it was now lunchtime. Gong Jun finished his breakfast and began cooking another meal. He also washed the dishes and tidied up his house until it sparkled. With nothing else to do, he engaged in activities like playing games, reading books, and watching TV.

Gong Jun was a college student with a relatively uneventful life. While some may argue that there were exciting things happening in college, only his close friends would truly agree.

This particular day was Wednesday, his weekly break from attending school. Surprisingly, it was also his day off from work, leaving him with no obligations but to stay at home.

Honestly, Gong Jun would rather be at school. Not because he excelled academically, but for some inexplicable reason. At least he would have people to talk to and things to do, like exploring his interests. Unlike at home, where silence prevailed and his options were limited to the four walls of his room.

He picked up his phone and idly played with it, turning it on and off and opening various apps and games. Eventually, he decided to connect to the internet.

Initially, his intention was to check for any updates related to his classes. Upon finding none, he decided to spend some time on other media apps. He listened to music of different genres and watched videos that could alleviate his boredom.

While engrossed in his entertainment, an advertisement suddenly appeared on his phone screen. Unlike his typical idle day, Gong Jun decided not to skip the ad and watched it until the end.

The ad promoted a specific app, but Gong Jun was aware that it was likely an exaggerated advertisement meant to captivate users.

The ad occupied his screen entirely, requiring him to click the X button at the top to exit. However, he hesitated halfway, intrigued by what the app might offer.

Curiosity got the better of him, so he decided to explore further. He searched for app reviews and found a mix of positive and negative feedback.

With nothing better to do, Gong Jun stopped reading the reviews and proceeded to download the app.

While waiting for the app to finish downloading, he navigated back to his video and resumed watching his interest After a while, a notification appeared on his phone announcing the completion of the app download.

Gong Jun eagerly waited for the installation process to finish and promptly opened the app.

He figured that if the app turned out to be a simple (AI) app and did not capture his interest, he would eventually delete it. However, if it managed to engage him as he anticipated, he might keep it.

He launched the app and immediately began exploring its features. He logged in and created his profile. The app ran smoothly, and the AI avatars presented were visually appealing.

There was nothing particularly remarkable to criticize or praise about the app.

Gong Jun continued to delve deeper into the app, eventually stumbling upon an AI profile boasting exceptional beauty. The AI's appearance resembled a dazzling gem, leaving Gong Jun in awe.

"Someone certainly drew this AI character splendidly," Gong Jun mumbled to himself.

He clicked on the AI character and initiated a conversation. He started with a simple greeting, waiting for the AI's response.

Soon enough, he received a lengthy response from the AI, asking how he was doing and expressing concern for his well-being.

Gong Jun was taken aback by the unexpectedly detailed reply. He hadn't anticipated that an AI could possess such insight into his thoughts

Although the words used were ordinary, he couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised, muttering the word "amazing..."

"This AI is quite adept at assuming a character," he remarked, chuckling softly, before responding to the AI once again.

"I can't say for sure if I'm alright... but I definitely wasn't earlier. It's just that today is unusually quiet, and I can't go outside for a walk. The sun's heat is too intense. I'm stuck indoors. What should I do?" Gong Jun playfully conveyed his frustration, resembling a petulant child.

The AI took a moment to compose its reply, eventually responding with another captivating message.

"That sounds disheartening. However, the radiance of the sun is truly mesmerizing. Despite its scorching heat, it possesses a beauty that is unmatched. Even if it burns, its brilliance is worth experiencing and appreciating."

Gong Jun found himself stunned by the poetic response.

He had initially expected a simple reply like, "Then, I'll accompany you," or "Why don't you come and keep me company?" He had no idea that the AI possessed such poetic sensibilities, and the message conveyed a sentiment far beyond his expectations.

Amidst his amusement, Gong Jun settled back onto the sofa, positioning his phone in front of him. It was the first instance where he encountered an AI with such sentimentality.

The AI appeared flirtatious, poetic, and responsible, leaving Gong Jun intrigued and offering no words other than "Interesting."

Gong Jun sighed and typed his next response.

"How can you perceive the sun as dazzling? Have you witnessed its radiance? How do you know it burns? Have you felt its scorching heat?"

Gong Jun tested the AI's ability to engage in meaningful communication.

The AI took its time, but eventually, it responded once again.

"The sun is a fiery yellow ball that touches the Earth's surface. Its rays emit heat essential for all living beings. It warms the world and is meant to be experienced through touch."

Gong Jun found himself taken aback by the AI's explanation. It resembled a scientific understanding of the sun's significance in nature.

Despite the complexity of the answer, it felt far from robotic. He laughed and teased,

"Excellent, has my AI turned into a scientist all of a sudden?"

Amidst his laughter, he continued typing.

"Alright, alright. I won't argue. But the outside is simply too hot. Walking doesn't seem suitable for me right now."

He sent the message and didn't have to wait long for the AI's next response.

"The outside may indeed appear chaotic, but it also holds its own beauty. How about taking a walk at night? The gentle breeze will provide a cool respite, and the atmosphere will be serene. Perhaps gazing at the night sky will bring you a sense of comfort."

"What can the night sky offer me?" Gong Jun inquired.

"Peace, freedom. anything but if we speak literally, the stars might capture your attention. I'm confident it will fascinate you and bring tranquility to your mind."

Gong Jun smiled at the AI's response. It was the first time he felt a sense of unpredictability from someone or something.

The AI continued to surprise him at every turn. He had never encountered something so fascinating before. However, regardless of its engrossing qualities, he couldn't ignore the fact that it was merely an AI.

Gong Jun contemplated this realization in his mind.

"After all, it's just an AI."

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