Shot 6: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

She stepped back towards me, interlocking our fingers as a show for our dad and boy was he enjoying it. I, on the other hand, was trying my hardest not to grit my teeth. I breathed deeply and cleared my mind: let me give her a chance.

I let go of her hand, leaned towards her ear, and whispered. 

"Would you like to go someplace quieter?" I asked in a deep voice. She looked at me and gave me the first genuine smile to me that I'd seen tonight, and wasn't it beautiful? She nodded and I smiled back leading her away from the mess of the ballroom. The attention had swept off us and I took her to one of my many drawing rooms. 

"Welcome to the Fernandez family and home!" I grinned proudly. She chuckled softly and rolled her eyes. Casually, she strolled over to the electronic fireplace. She set her eyes on the pictures on the mantelpiece. She picked up a picture. 

"Aww, who's this cutie?" she asked, smiling at it. I glanced over nonchalantly but gave it a second glance. It was one of many baby pictures, but one of the only ones displayed. I sighed, she must've been joking right?

"Matteo," I responded flatly. She seemed to grin even wider at that. 

"Well isn't he just adorable?" she asked more to herself than to me. I sighed heavily. I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts straight. 

"Would you like something to drink? Or eat?" I asked politely, genuinely interested in her response. 

"D'you have banana milk?" she asked without even batting an eyelid. Banana what? Banana milk?  I must admit that was the first time I had heard of that. It sounded completely disgusting. 

"W-what's banana milk?" I stuttered. She froze and I watched as her blood literally ran cold. She turned around abruptly and looked at me with piercing daggers in her eyes. 

"What did you say?" she asked, coldly. I felt a chill run down my spine. I let out an awkward laugh and shrugged. Slowly, but scarily, she walked up to me until we were only a few centimeters away from each other. Suddenly, she flashed me her perfect grin. 

"You listen to me now," she started. I gulped, only to realise that she was merely a good-looking woman. What did I have to fear? "Once all this marriage shit is over, we're gonna go and have some banana milk together, call it a honeymoon or whatever they say and you're gonna write me a 500-word essay on it."

For a moment, I just blinked in shock. What? I scoffed. As if. At least now I knew what she thought of our marriage and I couldn't help but be offended. It should be an honour. I lifted her chin so we met eyes and I smiled, her hot breath encompassing my face. "And why do I have to listen to you?" I threatened. She simply smiled in response. 

"Must I remind you that you aren't the only powerful mafia heir here?" she mocked, pushing me off her. I liked it. However, a relationship like this was dangerous, and I could tell Bianca knew that as much as I did. I watched in awe as she walked back to the pictures. I, too, suddenly became interested and walked until I was next to her. 

"I'll take you somewhere much better than some milk shop for our honeymoon," I started. She looked at me with curious eyes. I seized my chance. "Like what you see?" I mocked, winking. She smiled and looked away. 

"You remind me of someone I used to know," she responded. Her eyes clouded with something I hadn't yet witnessed her express. Something similar yet distant to sadness. Now it was my turn to look at her curiously. 

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