Mi Becomes A Hobgoblin!/ Another Kobold Hunt!

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You had woken up in the Morning and you walked into the room where the Women were being Held to see that they drank the Liquid and they were all dead. Being the person first to find this you grabbed the Bottle and Put it in your Bag to avoid suspicion and you ran to Gobuji!


Gobuji: WHAT!?

He then ran to the Women and sobbed as they were all dead and the half-baked Goblin Fetuses in their Wombs were spewed out during death. To be honest you couldn't care Less. 

You Offered to Take the Bodies out as you then took the outside and grabbed soil Oily Grass with your Pyrokineses to Burn the Bodies. You also took the hearts, and Wombs and Other Organs to eat as you prayed for their Safety in Heaven.

Turns out A Lot of them were Adventurers or Most of them were as when you ate their Organs you learned A Lot of Abilities.

Ability learned: Human Language

Ability learned: Continental Letter Deciphering

Ability Learned: Mental Mapping

Ability Learned: Job- Magician

Ability Learned: Job- Light swordsman

Ability Learned: Job- Druid

Ability Learned: Job- Craftsman

You then wanted to Take A Mental Health day after that whole Mess so you sent out Kichi and Mi to go Hunting without you, and Shockingly Mi had Managed to Rank Up in the Morning!

She had managed to become A Hobgoblin.

She had managed to become A Hobgoblin

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Mi: Is there something wrong?

Y/n: Blushing) N-Nothing Just go Hunting okay? I'll make you some new Gear for when you return.

She was A Lot Cuter now as she had become Far more Human, and It really showed.

You had then decided to end up making some new Gear for the Mi and That Craftsman skill became Super useful as your work was now A Lot better you Managed to make Really Good Shell armor and Shield but the Sword ended up coming out bad despite this.

You then Gave Mi your spare Gi since you hadn't managed to finish her new clothes but she seemed pretty annoyed by this, so You Tried to Ignore it.

The Next Day...

The Three of you had decided to go on another Hunt and you had all found Another Group of Kobolds. Two of them were like the two from last time except they had A Third one who was wielding A Shortbow as A Weapon.

This would be the second Oppurtunity to strengthen Mi.

You then checked the Surrounding Area for any more Kobolds and since there Aren't any you all Launched the Attack on the Kobolds.

Mi Launched A Poison Stone at the Archer's Eye Blinding it and Disorienting it as You and Kichi attacked the other two! You Both Dispatched the other two as you wanted their Longswords! The Point is Their Longswords were slightly better than the ones you had. Sure they were rusty but they were the right size for you and you were now Using the Rabbit Horns as A Stabbing Knife. The Battle ended when Mi had slit the throat of the archer Kobold.

To see the Fight it seems Like Mi's evolution relied on Brains and Intelligence and cleverly find ways around solutions, Like using the Pseudo-knife you gave her to slit his throat.

You all collected the Gear while Dismantling the Body, Mi got the Shortbow and Arrows and You got the Longsword and collected the armor. Kichi got nothing this time so he had to wait for the next time.

You all got to have A Body each to eat as you didn't gain any new abilities but you felt stronger as your Predict ability got even stronger.

You all then continued the rest of the day by Hunting the Usual Creatures before resting at night.

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