"oh god" I mumbled to myself

"we are together again" he said fearless

"what are you trying to say, Blaze?" his dad questioned in a high tone

"I am saying I am with Elleonora"

"Why? Why are you with that girl again" Her mom spat looking angrily at me

"Because I love her"

"What?" They all asked in unisond

"I love Elleonora and if her parent's let her and even if they not I would gladly marry her again properly" he confessed making me melt

"You are completely insane" His mother uttered

"I am insane, mother? You are the ones who steeped into my house and are making a fuss over the woman I love"

"Stop saying THAT!" his mother screamed

"You are a disappointment to this family every day" His father spoke while my family gasped at those awful things

"I am calling backup" Nana murmured

"Don't !" I warned her " They will be gone soon"

"How can you be in love with... THAT?" His mom questioned looking at me up and down

"THAT!? OH now you are getting in danger!" My grandmother said while rolling up her sleeves "old snake"

"Calm down Nana let her be it's better" I said while holding my grandmother next to me

"Have some respect!" Blaze told his mother sternly

"Are you talking down to your mother?" Thomas questioned getting g
closer to Blaze almost like ready to beat him up

"Are they usually like that?" My dad whispered making me nod a yes

"Why are they like that?" My grandma questioned

"Too complicated" I simply said

"How you've changed!" Martha screamed while tears rushed down her cheeks

"Mother..." Blaze breathed already sick of that conversation, already done with them and everything that they were a part of. It hurted me to see the kind of family that he had, a family that never supported him, that never believed in him that never was there for him in any special, good or bad moment of his life.

"You changed from the moment your sister, Annalise, died. You changed completely after you couldn't save her"

"I didn't save her because I was 8 years old and she had leukemia! " Blaze defended himself, that's when I see the rest of my family get in through the elevator and through the door stairs.

Oh dear lord.

"You didn't save her and you let everything that you wanted behind, you left us and you left your career of medicine, and now you are a dreaming disgrace and disappointment! You have a company of something that we barely know about... you took your family name out of your registry, you disown your own family and you married low-class, freaking mexican immigrants"

"Hm... guess it wasn't that complicated" I mentioned realizing how fast his mother explained everything

"And Spanish and portuguese " And that was enough for Nana to scold her in Spanish " vieja perra!" old bitch

"Mama!" my mother warned my grandmother. My family moved closer to us though they missed half of the discussion, but they soon understood what it was about, they were just waiting for my Nana's command.

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