The Trials part 1: Adversity

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Do you remember the day you awoke? Not just from slumber, mind you. Can you remember the first time you felt your own presence in the world?

I did. It was long ago. Before any river you drank from, before any mountain stood. My, even before the sun danced across the sky.

I was staring at nebulas and quasars around me, watching as they swirled, forming and reforming, ejecting mass and creating stars from the pressurized clouds—all stemming from the first Quarks.

Creation was loud and busy, hard at work. Usually, I just watched, but eventually I had ideas for what could be. So, I looked at past events and helped shape future ones.

I always looked at things behind me and far in front of me. But it was when I saw a little building block, something small and fragile yet unimaginably powerful, that something changed.

For the first time, I stopped looking outward. Instead, I turned my gaze to myself, and I recognized the thought that intruded on my functions:

"I am here now."

A powerful phrase, don't you think? It contains presence.

I remember it vividly. Do you remember yours?


Enix landed hard, rolling to a stop and spitting out mouthfuls of grass. Ingot trotted up, and Enix used his head to hold himself up. The creature barely moved, instead chirping as its backside wagged happily. Enix struggled to his feet, his limbs shaking and his breath hitching. The open field outside the Foundry had been gouged of its grass, with patches of disturbed dirt and soil strewn everywhere. Ghiri stepped closer, two arms crossed, the other two at his hips.

It is time for rest. You are improving slightly, if not steadily. Yesterday, you could only last half as long. You still hesitate, however. What clouds your mind so that you still struggle to take action?

Enix shrugged. "I can never figure out what the best move is. I don't want to keep failing. It hurts."

Yes, failure hurts, Ghiri nodded, but while it hurts, it is nowhere near as grave as failure out there.

He pointed a finger up to the natural walls that surrounded the Foundry.

You need to learn to fail. To fail continuously, strenuously, and, more importantly, experientially. Hesitation will not give you any answer you seek. Only action will.

Enix grumbled, letting himself collapse and slipping into a meditative state. Through sheer repetition, he could easily slip into a trance-like state. As he felt himself leaving the focused state, he looked down to see a screen before him.

Meditation (Active) Lvl 15: 32.04%

With focus comes results. When meeting at the crossroads, with no idea of direction, simply pause to reflect, to contemplate. Reach out with your soul to the world around you, and once communed, thrive. With enough meditation, even the faintest of lights will become a beacon.

HP regen increases by 58% while meditating.

MP regen increases by 58% while meditating.

SP regen increases by 58% while meditating.

Awakening can be achieved through meditation.

Enix pushed the screen away with a hand and stood. His other abilities have also increased, but less than his meditation ability. He rolled his shoulders, feeling any damage done to him disappear.

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