The Isle Above part 1: Descent

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Mum and Dad

It had been a long while since I had written to you. I miss you both dearly.

Daltwin's his usual self. The other day he managed to finally get back at that old goat. Turns out buckets of ink are pretty easy to come by here. Mr. Olstern's clothes will be dyed for the next few moons.

I can't believe that I get to tell you this, but I finally graduated! I'm a member of the survey corps like you now.

Actually, I'm starting tonight. I'll be off on a three moon assignment. I hope I make the both of you proud.

I can't wait to see you guys again,


The bag was thrown roughly onto the bed, followed by a mountain of objects that cluttered into a pile. Lyra fumbled through her quarters, gathering her writing utensils and other instruments she had acquired through her time in the academy. The room was small, allowing only for a cabinet, desk and small bed, but for her it had been home for nearly a decade. Branwelds Academy sat perched at the pinnacle of the city, and Lyra's room held a view she had grown fond of in her time here.

She looked down at her bed, and organized her items. Her writing utensils, journals and journey pack were tightly packed together. Her meager possessions had never bothered her, for she found little she needed.

She unconsciously tapped a finger to the pendant she wore around her neck, her mind occupied on retracing everything that had led her here.

Her thoughts raced at the recent events that had allowed her graduation, and the acceptance of her requested assignment. Her thoughts raced far and wide at what will be her most exciting year, far away from the present where she accidentally ran into someone on her way outside her quarters.

"Float back down here Lyra, you're getting lost again." hands grabbed her shoulders, and a boy, Daltwin, shook the girl from her thoughts. "Are you sure you got everything packed?"

At first glance, anyone looking at the two would think them siblings. Similar dark brown hair and height. Though Lyra was scrawnier and wore lenses, they shared similar colored eyes.

Lyra nodded with a sly grin. "I can't really think of anything I won't need. Actually, I can't stop thinking about the assignment." She bounced up and down slightly on her heels as she turned to re-examine her growing pile. Spare clothing, as well as the explorer's pack given to her.

"More importantly," She heard her good friend say in a softer tone, "are you so sure this is a good decision? Lye, you're leaving the Conservatory. For Ault's sake, you're leaving the Isle."

She paused to turn to him. "Dal, what are we going to learn just from being kept here? There's so much we can learn just by taking the step outside this place. Look, it's a quick survey trip, below and back! I doubt you'll miss me too much." She turned to look at him.

"I don't want you down there Lyra. It's not safe, for any one of us. You'll be down there alone and-"

"And I'm well prepared for that. Also, alone? The survey trip has plenty of established safety zones, being operated by Scouts who already survived. If people can thrive down there, is it really that dangerous?"

"Yes! There wouldn't be a need for safe zones if the place wasn't dangerous!"

"And that's why we need the survey corp, to better establish these locations."

"But why does it have to be you?"

"Are you volunteering?" She remarked, and he looked away in defeat.

Thus the argument circled around as it had since Lyra joined the academy. They had danced around this circle so many times Lyra had her lines practically memorized. She just sighed, stowing the last few of her things away before brushing past him.

"Dal, please. Look, you know why I have to go, and I understand why you won't, so why can't you just let it go?"

"I swore an oath to your parents, Lyra." Daltwin's tone changed from stressed to practically begging. "I swore I'd keep you safe. Joining the survey corps is a noble endeavor, yes, but you know why I can't go with you, and I can't keep you safe with you down there."

"And I can't rest knowing that there's a chance we could save people Dal. I'm not asking you to come with me, and I don't need you doting on me anymore." The hallway was quiet this late at night, and the director had requested she begin her assignment despite the strict curfew. She looked to her friend, who again refused to make eye contact. "Do you want to walk me to the dock?" The boy shook his head helplessly, but walked her outside the dormitory hall of Brandwelds Academy.

The academy was one of the largest buildings of the Conservatory, and due to their significance to the city, had its own docks. It was a short walk through the more scenic areas of the academy, past the dormitories through the main archway of the class halls. The biggest building belonged to those classrooms, the massive H shaped structure led from student rooms to the docks that bordered the cliff's edge. The stars were plentiful this night, and while Daltwin held his head down in thought, Lyra looked to the stars.

"Aren't you the least bit curious about what's out there? Don't you ever get tired of how closed off we are?"

"Abbot Teleo always said that it is safest for us."

"Abbot Teleo hasn't left his monastery since before we could walk Dal." The boy snorted softly. As the cliff side docks came into view, the boy slowed.

"Lyra, you won't find your parents down there." She stopped at that, and turned to him.

"... Who knows. But I've already made up my mind. Besides," she turned to smile at him, "I'll be back in 3 moons."

"I don't want you to go on this mission." He sighed, rubbing his eyes, and Lyria noticed just how tired he seemed. "I'm not saying you aren't capable, nor do I mean to keep you where you do not want to be. But... I need you. I don't like the idea of us being separated."

"I know Dal. I don't either." The rest of the walk was quiet as they reached the docks, and they both stopped before the stone beneath their feet became the wood of the skydeck.

"Do you really think this is what they'd want?" There was no malice in the boy's voice, only a soft tone.

"... No, it wouldn't be. But it is something I need to do, no matter how much you hate the idea of me diving into danger."

"Oh please, we both know you're the most capable of us." He flicked her forehead playfully. "Don't forget to use that tool between your eyes."

"It is the most effective and long lasting tool one will ever have." The new voice interrupted, and Director Gehrlen approached them. "Welcome Lyra. Forgive the abrupt summons, the newest team had already departed before your assignment was issued. Daltwin." The man nodded to the other student. "How do you feel, child?"

Lyra took a deep breath of the cold air, a cheeky smile on her lips. "Like I was supposed to do this sooner."

"Yes, well, detentions and near suspensions will hinder the process." The director responded with a smile, before responding in a more sympathetic tone. "I'll allow you a moment for goodbyes."

They stood there for a few quiet moments, neither meeting each other's eyes. "I'll miss you." The sudden sincerity in his voice was not lost on Lyra, and without responding she embraced her good friend tightly.

"I'll come back. I promise."

"I know you will. If anyone can, it's you."

They stayed there, Daltwin wanting to stay like this forever. Eventually, Lyra separated with a sniff, before walking to the dock. Before her sat a sky glider, sleek in design with it's sails already billowing with the breeze.

"Lyra!" Daltwin called out suddenly, as she took her first step on the glider. She turned to see his smiling face, eyes wet. "I'll be here when you come back! Be sure to write all about it, I want to read and hear everything when you return!"

Lyra returned the smile, her own eyes watering, before she turned and took a seat on the glider.

And with that, she departed her little island in the sky, to the unventured world below.

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