The Foundry part 2: Silent Secretary

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When you reach the Foundry, be wary. Those presiding over the domain will recognize you as an ally, but those they preside over will not. Seek Enlightened Ankh, and he will be able to answer your questions.

At first they refused to budge, and for a moment Enix panicked before he felt something click, and the doors swung steadily open. Enix stepped in, and turned to close the door, but paused at what he saw.

The statues had moved once more, this time surrounding the doorway, as if watching him. The doors moved on their own, closing shut.

"That wasn't so bad." Enix said to his companions, sitting down against the doorway. Vice slowly dripped to the ground, exhausted and Ingot lay on its back, panting.

Enix took the time resting to examine the interior. He inhaled, smelling the damp and musty air. He felt the cold stone on his back and hands. Looking around, Enix absorbed as much detail as he could. The main building was a large square room, with symmetrical and block-like designs on the walls depicting various images alongside odd doors. Three sides of the room were elevated, with three steps leading to the center of the room. On the fourth side, furthest from Enix was what appeared to be a shrine, an elevated pedestal with a strange small tree atop it. The ceiling had four square holes that allowed light to flood in and bathed the room in small rays, as the ivy had covered large segments of the roof.

Enix felt strange simply being here. There was a stillness in the air completely unlike the outside, as if he had stumbled upon a new world. The very air felt different, and as Enix began to stand, he noticed the lights that filtered down seemed to come not from the sun, as when the boy looked up, he found the light came from no single direction, but instead hung like a cloud over the spaces in the ceiling.

Enix walked around, observing the markings on the walls, and the strange architecture around him. It had a strange order to it all, one he couldn't put a finger on.

As the boy turned back towards the center of the room, he noticed something had appeared. Or rather, someone.

A faceless, four-armed figure of silvery skin stood before the altar with the tree, staring at the boy, or at least giving an impression of staring. Enix froze, eyeing the figure up and down. The figure held in its hand a mortar and pestle, as well as a strange stone figure in the other. It inclined its head at Enix, placing the objects it held back onto the altar

"Uhm... Hi." The figure tilted its head, extending a hand towards him, palm up. Strange symbols formed on the figure's featureless face. Enix realized those symbols were similar to those outside, yet he was failing to comprehend them. The boy simply shrugged, at which the figure's face became still. Then it held out its hand once more, this time holding another hand to its temple.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand..." Enix felt Vice tighten at his confusion, while Ingot simply stared at something far away. The figure simply shook its head and approached. It slowly put two fingers to the boys temple, and a screen appeared before him

Congratulations! Through a gift, you have unlocked a new skill: 'Telepathy'.

Telepathy (Active) Lvl 30: 0.00%

Through extending one's thoughts, unite the mind beyond physical limits. Connect with another's mind and speak without sound, and listen without hearing.

MP Cost: 10

Duration: 1 minute

Telepathy up to 30 feet

Just as Enix finished reading the screen, he felt a new pressure within his mind, and felt words form.

Welcome Precursor, I am Ghiri, a model thirty Servitor. May you state your identification? I am able to recognize your signature but cannot properly identify it.

Enix shuddered at the sensation. It was as if he felt, not heard, a voiceless, soundless sentence. "How are you doing that?"

If you are referring to my telepathy, that is due to update 740, as requested by the Makers.

"I... see. And what are you doing here?"

Overseeing the Foundry, as per my orders. Might you be a Chronicler, come to take my performance into account?

"Uhh, no?"

I see. That is a shame. I quite enjoyed watching Chroniclers work. Are you perhaps here to inspect the progress of the Foundry?

"Uhm, not that either?"

I find your answers vague and infuriating.

Look, I came here for.. Ankh?" At that the figure froze.

I do not-ah! I see. That will be through the doorway on your left.


Yes, well you are somewhat late.

"Yeah, how kind of him to wait." Enix scoffed sarcastically. "And how late is that?"

Why, by my estimate, 42.34 millennia.

Enix blinked slowly, unbelieving. "Right, well, I guess he's waiting for me huh?"

Promptness is appreciated.

Enix started as a portion to the wall on his left began to rumble and lower, revealing a doorway.

Your companions will have to wait here, however.

"What? Why?"

Per my master's requests. Lesser beings are not welcomed in his presence.

Enix frowned, touching Vice as Ingot simply looked up at him.

I assure you, they will be well treated. No harm will come to them under my care.

"... Fine. Stay here you two." The boy scratched Ingot's head as Vice fluidly wrapped itself around the metallic creature's body. It took a heavy seat, its eyes never leaving its humanoid companion as the boy made his way to the door. As he made his way through, Ingot lay down, turning its head to stare at the strange humanoid.

Best of luck.

"Thanks, I guess."

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