Sweet Justice owner woman: We said we wouldn't sell. Barry, go get our lawyer.

Jessica: Lawyer? Why do they need a lawyer?

[woman screams]

Demo-bot foreman: Attention, citizens. This business or dwelling has been categorized for immediate destruction.

Sweet Justice owner man: No!

Man: Huh?

Boy: What?

Demo-bot foreman: By order of the city of Metropolis, you must vacate before structure removal begins. You have 30 seconds to comply.
[crowd screaming]

khalil: (sighs) Ill hand this.

He then sneaks up behind one of them and put a control device on of them. Then he sneaks behind another one and put a control device on another. He then quickly sneak back to his seat.

Karen: khalil what you just do?

Khalil: just watch.

He then pulls a controller out of his jacket and then he turns it on. The robots eyes turn green and now under his control.

Jessica: are you controlling them?

Khalil: yup

Babs: thats so cool but how?

Khalil: itll take long to explain just watch.

He then make the robots turn to the other robots and fire there guns at the other demo bots destroying them. He then make the 2 last robots fire at each other making them destroy each other.

Khalil: well that was fun.

Babs: that was awesome. How did you do that? How did you make a device that controls robots?

Khalil: ladies I'm a genius my IQ is 5150.

They all look at him with eyes wide open.

Jessica: so your really really really smart?

Khalil: yup and I put that with brawn, gymnastics, and a bunch of other things.

Karen: so you could help me with my suit? Help me grow into a giant?

Khalil: yeah it's really easy I have growth shrink tech on my suit.

Karen: you do?!

Khalil: yup. Now let's find out what caused all this.

He gets back up and notice a L badge on the floor he then picks it up and notice it's lex Luthor symbol.

Khalil: hmm why would lex Luthor want to destroy sweet justice? He owns this place.

Zatanna: maybe to make more room for another building.

Jessica: maybe this place was costing him too much.

Khalil: hes a billionaire Jess he wouldn't care about how much he this would cost. It's probably not him. I heard he goes to and orders from this place a lot he wouldn't get rid of it clearly he loves it.

Kara: how do you know all this?

Khalil: oh um I saw him last year at the billionaire country club. All the desserts came from this place.

Zatanna: your a billionaire?!

Khalil: well secretly my family are the first trillionaires.

Zatanna: trill trill trillions? (She then faints).

Khalil: come on girls let's go

Kara picks up zee and they follow you outside. Only to see a giant ship in the middle of the road.

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