Ch. 2

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Alexis looked up at the man who was hovering above her, and the soft prickle of her hair standing on end trickled over her.

He was as intimidating as he was beautiful, with a stern, serious face with a jagged scar that ran from below his eye to the top of his lip, confusingly contrasted by his playfully long hair and deep brown eyes. Instinctively, I reached up and ran my hand across my own scar that ran along my jaw under my right cheek.

He too had a diamond eyebrow piercing that sparkled as she subconsciously obeyed him and stood up to meet him.

Alexis took a quick inhale, realising she had been holding her breath. Unable to identify if she was more scared or marvelled, she held her stance more firmly while backing into the wall behind her as much as she could.

"No need to look so afraid," he said on seeing her reaction. "No real man would hurt a child or a female, so you doubly safe, I'd say."

She wanted to accept the statement that had been offered to her twice already, but none of why she had pulled off the street made sense.

"Why am I here?" she found the courage to ask.

"Oh, that's an easy question to answer," Geoffrey said a little too cheerfully. "Your dad is a douchebag, so you've come to live with a new family."

"A douchebag?" she asked.

Thomas raised his hand to silence Geoffrey, who seemed more than happy to respond to her query.

"I think you know your dad wasn't a very good man, don't you?" Thomas asked.

Alexis nodded. She'd been practically living on the streets for the last three years because of that exact fact.

"Well, let's just say he got himself into some trouble with our boss, and because our boss is a generous guy, he decided to take you in. Once you're old enough, you'll be able to repay him."

He makes it sound like they're doing a favour for my dad, she thought. But how could that be, considering her dad had gotten himself into trouble with them?

It wasn't anything new, though. Her father was always in some trouble or another and always trying to use her as a payoff to get out of it.

Is that what this is too? she wondered, before speaking her thoughts out loud.

Thomas' eyebrows dipped deeply, and he spoke again, his voice still soft though authoritative. "You don't need to worry about the specifics, just know that this is your home now. You can't leave, but you'll get everything you need so you don't need to worry." He then got up and made his way to the door, instructing Ren as he left. "Get her cleaned up and ready. Vincent will be here in the next hour."

Thomas moved swiftly and gracefully at the same time. His strength and control were apparent in his every move, and soon, just as quickly as he had entered, he was gone.

"Who's Vincent?" Alexis asked after Thomas had left.

"He's our boss," Ren answered and gestured for her to follow him as he walked the length of the room.

Hesitantly, she obeyed while taking in as much as she could of the bedroom - which was huge.

A grand bed stood at the far end of the room near, what looked like, a walk-in cupboard. Across from the bed was a dressing table like what she'd seen in films belonging to movie stars in their dressing rooms.

On the dressing table, there were several grooming items neatly arranged, along with a few small pieces of jewellery.

"This is your room," Geoffrey offered, in response to her nervous handling of a brush she'd picked up from the dressing table.

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