"Did the training exhaust you that much Y/n?",Baki asked while pouring himself more juice.

"Yeah..,it was tough.But I believe it was just because it was my first time.Im sure I will soon get used to it!"

"If you want we can leave the self defense lessons for tomorrow so you can rest!",he said feeling nervous to exhaust you.

"No way!,there is no time to relax! Besides I'm fine and ready for anything!"

"Well I guess I'll see you at my place tonight,we will practice in my basement.Its very spacious and that makes it a good place to train".

"Okay!I'll do my best!"




After agreeing to meet with Baki that night at his house,you decided to do some “warm up” to test your skills on self defense.

"Anubis!Can you help me train?Be my opponent and try to hit me!"

"It doesn't work like that.Do you even know how to defend yourself in combat?"

"Are we talking about..kicks and punches?I arleady did that in Shin Shin Kai!"

"This time it's going to be different.Baki Hanma isn't going to train you like that.The training you did yesterday was for you to be able to attack your opponent first.This time your going to learn how to dodge and fight back your opponent".

"What you just said is the exact same thing I did in the fight with Kato!I dodged attacks, fought back and then boom! Victory!"

"You're just getting too confident.You had my help back then.Im not going to help you this time".

"WHAT!What do you mean you're not going to help me!You want me to fight the strongest teenager ever on my OWN!?Yeah!,you totally want me dead!"

"Im doing it for two reasons.First of all,don't think that I'll be here forever with you and just grand you wishes.Sometimes you need to do things by yourself.Second of all, using my powers inside the ultimate source of power is draining my energy out,so its best for me to rest for a while and use my powers when it's actually necessary".

"Hm I see..So you don't have any strength now do you?"

"Ofcourse I do.I just have to use it wisely and for special occasions.Like when your life is in danger or something like that".

"Well,consider this as a special occasion! Practice a bit with me!I want to see what you mean by defending myself!"

"I guess you will only understand if you experience it first huh?Well get ready,because I'm going to show you how fighting Baki Hanma is really going to be",Anubis said and started forming something like a clone in the corner of the room.
At first it was like a pyle of sand,but then it slowly formed into a human.More specifically,it formed into Baki.

"Wow..It looks exactly like him!He even has the mole above his lips!It's a bit weird to see him made of sand though.."

"Well?Are you ready to fight him?"

"Yeah..I mean I am.But go a bit easy on me arlight?Im still really confused about how to defend myself..so,this is basically my first time doing thi"-

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~Where stories live. Discover now