Episode 12

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~ As the sun rose on the morning of the first exams, an air of anticipation and nervous energy enveloped the school. Halls echoed with the hurried footsteps of students, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and anxiety. Minju, Jiwon, Sangwon, and Dongun found themselves among the throngs of students making their way to the examination rooms.


> Sangwon, his voice tinged with anxiety, turned to his friends and asked, "Guys, I can't shake off this nervous feeling. The exam is looming just a few hours away. Any words of reassurance?"

> Teasingly, Jiwon remarked, "Sangwon, are you absolutely certain you've ever cracked open a book for this exam?"

> Dongun, with a wry smile, interjected, "Sangwon, are you merely relying on luck, or did you actually open a book this time? Let's not forget the last exam fiasco when you winged it and got a less-than-impressive score."

> With an uncommon teasing tone, Minju added, "I wager he dedicated more time to his sport than hitting the books."

> Caught off guard by his friends calling him out for not studying, Sangwon, slightly flustered, attempted to conjure up an excuse. "Well, you see, I've been juggling a lot lately, and, um, the books just didn't make it to the top of my priority list,", he stammered.

> Jiwon, with a sly grin, commented, "Let's find out if luck has decided to be your study buddy today."

> Dongun, with a wry smile, predicted, "Watch, if he scores low, he'll work his charm on the teacher to magically turn that grade into something more favorable."

~ The four friends continued their banter-filled stroll down the corridor, jesting with Sangwon, when suddenly, they crossed paths with a stranger, leaving them momentarily intrigued by the unexpected encounter. They noticed a person in the distance looking intently at one of them. Moments later, the mysterious onlooker finally located the person they were searching for, adding a curious twist to the encounter.

> Fixing their gaze on Minju, the person inquired, "Excuse me, but you're Minju, aren't you?"

> Minju, a flicker of confusion in her eyes, acknowledged, "Indeed, that's me. What brings you my way?"

> Noticing a trend, the person remarked, "I couldn't help but notice you've been in Junghwan's company quite frequently lately."

> With a touch of assertiveness, Minju inquired, "Excuse me, but who are you, and why the interest in my time spent with Junghwan?"

> Yerin introduced herself, "I'm Yerin, Junghwan's girlfriend. I strongly recommend you keep your distance from him," her words accompanied by a discerning glare at Minju.

> With a raised eyebrow, Minju responded, "If I recall correctly, he's the one who ended things with you."

~Yerin's temper flared, a mix of frustration and anger bubbling up, as Minju's words hit her ears, intensifying the tension in the air. Suddenly, they heard Junghwan's voice in the distance, causing a momentary pause in the escalating tension.

> Junghwan, his voice tinged with frustration, intervened, "Yerin, direct your concerns at me, not them, please."

> In a sudden outburst that echoed through the corridor, Yerin exclaimed, "Why? Is it because you're in love with her!?", Her words reverberated, drawing the curious gaze of other students nearby.

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