Depuis le début

So now I launch my torpedoes against the enemy. 5 torpedoes are fired in total, and then I launch my Tomahawk Block V against the enemy ships. I just do it to make sure to annihilate the Siren fleet.

After some time, I can see that the enemy explodes. My attacks hit the targets to be eliminated, and then they started to sink. So, I approach to confirm what's happening. Upon getting closer, I can identify the kansen that are here: Langley and Essex. They are slightly injured and very tired as they breathe heavily. Well, I don't blame them; they faced a fleet that outnumbered them, and having them only slightly injured demonstrates how skilled and powerful they are.

So, once close, I surface. I don't surface right next to them; I surface at a moderate distance so they won't be too startled.

When I surface, both girls look at me and are surprised, then they take an attacking stance.

Me: (Friendly voice) "Don't worry, my name is USS District of Columbia. I'm the one who helped you annihilate that hostile fleet. It's a pleasure to meet you.

The girls looked at each other and then looked at me. They are still alert due to my presence.

Langley: District of Columbia? Don't come with nonsense. We know someone with the same name as you.

Me: Same name? Is she, by any chance, the cruiser Columbia from the Cleveland class?

Essex: That's the one. And how do you know all that?

Me: Oh, I see. I am a submarine of the Columbia class. I was launched from the shipyards in 2032.

The girls looked at each other, very surprised, and then looked back at me.

Langley: We don't believe you; you're just telling us nonsensical things.

Me: (As expected, this won't be easy to convince them.) "What would you like to know to convince you?

Langley: That's a good question...

Essex: For now, give us proof that you come from the future.

Me: A proof?

Essex: Yes, give us something to know you're not lying to us.

Me: Alright, alright... (What can I give them? I have no idea. I can't give them an OP weapon to convince them because if they analyze it, they might use that weapon against me later. I think the most reliable option would be to give them a Tier I automatic cannon.)

Quickly, I go to my box of items to find one of the [M242 BUSHMASTER] automatic cannons. After finding it, a blue mental cube materializes in my hand, and I hand it over to Essex.

Me: This is an M242 BUSHMASTER cannon, an automatic cannon that targets naval objectives automatically. It works remotely and can randomly attack enemy targets.

Essex: I see, but this cannon seems very basic.

Me: It's not simple, please try it. This cannon is very useful in battle; it can randomly attack your enemies and doesn't require any attention to use. You just activate the weapon and forget about everything.

At that moment, I see Essex trying to equip herself with the weapon, but she fails. It was obvious that this would happen because she is not compatible with the weapon.

Essex: It rejected me. Why?

Me: The answer is very simple. The reason is that you are not compatible with the weapon because this weapon is several decades ahead of your technology. Now, do you understand the technology difference?

The girls understood my point of view. After this small demonstration, it seemed like they believed me a bit.

Langley: We didn't bring the detection cube. What should we do?

Essex: Once we're at the base, we'll handle it. Well, Columbia, I think it's better for you to accompany us to the base.

Me: Ok.

So I started following the two girls. It was good that they didn't treat me as badly as I expected, but well, it was luck.

To be continued

AZUR LANE: An Underwater Adventure (Translate)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant