𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒙 (Part One)

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"Agent Emma?" My cellphone rang beside my bed.

Oh gosh, it's only two o'clock in the morning. I groaned in a half happy and half excited way as I picked up my phone.


"Mission one hundred and twenty-third. Time: 2:15. Location: 25°04'09.3"N 121°29'30.3"E. Partner: Livia. Purpose: Bring a box that says 'Magia' back to HQ. Guns and daggers are available."

"Got it," I said and hung up the phone.

Murdering again, I guess. I slipped down my bed and slided downstairs on the railing. 'Never open the lights' is rule number one, so I crawled on the floor in the dark. As I got to my closet, I quietly opened it and grabbed the all-black suit. It only took me two minutes to dress up and grab my supplies, "Thirteen minutes left to waste, Emma." I said improvingly.

I ran out of my door and started racing with time. Thanks to the training, I reached the destination three minutes earlier, but Livia was already there.

"Slowpoke," she said and frowned a bit.

"You finished investigating?" I straightened myself from the panting before.

"Yep," she said. "Just follow my lead."

I nodded and followed her to a gray wall that had twelve security cameras. "And after that much time for you to investigate, you chose this place with so many cameras? Great job." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Firstly, the front door has six locks! And if I open it with the gun, people inside would awake."

"We just have to kill them, easy peasy." I said and grabbed both of my guns and gestured to a shooting position.

"I'm sure that you'd be killed by them even when you haven't taken a step inside their door." Livia said.

"Hey! I've gone to so many missions and," I raised my eyebrows. "Never failed. Why this?"

"Would you ever look closely at the info?"

"I didn't have it."

"It's in the message receiver!" Livia whispered so hardly that her face twisted and looked like a clown.

"Oh, oh, ok, ok. Calm down, I'll look at it now." I hid my laughter as I took out the M.R.(Message Receiver) and whispered the first message that popped out. 

"Dear Emma,

The 123rd mission would be a hard one(It's also a test to see if you could become one of the captains of our org.) the box you have to bring back is the most valuable treasure in all of Lushing, our enemy kingdom, and the people that kept it were the best fighters from there. But after all you've come through, I'm sure this would only be ten pieces of a cake. Wish you good luck!

Reya Equitula

Captain of the seventh detachment"


"So what?" Livia looked at me as if I was an idiot. "The best way to get in is to get past the cameras, into the garden inside, use the backdoor, steal the box, then we're finished. And if we were to fight with them, we've got a teensy tiny chance of winning. Just follow my lead then."

"Duh, fine. By the way, you said 'just follow my lead' twice," I said.

Livia stared at me, puzzled. "Just," She sighed. "Follow."

With that, both of us climbed up to the highest tree beside us and jumped down into the garden like a cat. Then, she gave me her mini laptop to hack inside the security cameras and see if we were to be seen. Thank goodness, the camera only got a shot of Livia's flowing black hair, which she was furious about and told me to delete the part.

"Now what?" I asked Livia.

"Now what?" She mimicked my voice and went to open the door. "The backdoor shouldn't be locked, only idiots would lock their backdoors, and these spies were definitely..." She stopped for a second because the door wouldn't even budge. "Definitely idiots."

According to the improvement of technologies, the backdoor should be 'auto', so if I just hack inside....

"Livia, do you mind if I borrow your laptop again?" I said and walked to her side.

"It's my pleasure to say 'yes' to you, but," Livia said with a mysterious smile. "I want to reply with the opposite answer in my mind." She handed me her laptop.

I worked furiously with the laptop. "If the door was auto, it must be connected with its owner's devices. And the devices must be near here. So...bluetooth! Please...just be thirty feets away..." I mumbled to myself. "Ha, got it!" The door opened right in front of us.

"You know what that's called?" I asked Livia.

"Stubbornness?" She guessed as we walked in.

"Nah, it's called intelligence." I said triumphantly.

The first thing that came to our eyes were rows and rows of cameras, again. Where in the world do they get their time to buy this many 'collections'? With an angry groan of mine, I 'freezed' all the cameras in photographing the same view till I pressed the 'stop' button, which was going to happen as soon as we finished the mission.

We tiptoed across the long hallway, then finally, after we left the well-organized kitchen, we got to their bedroom.

"Did you see it?" I asked Livia just after we pushed through the door using a device that could turn anything you put on to silence. By the way, Reya, our captain, invented that all by herself. I wouldn't be quite surprised if she invented something that could destroy the whole world with a press of a button some day in the future. Also, we're so lucky that this door isn't locked, cause it's not auto.

"Only saw six idiots sleeping in their dreams." I sighed and looked around, "Is there any possibility that the box is here?"

"Why, yes. I'd really like to look over the whole house, but we only have minutes till they wake up. And the precise time will be seventeen minutes and thirty four seconds later." Livia said as she looked at her watch.

"You should have told me earlier," I said. "I suggest we split up then."

"Great idea." Livia nodded and I slipped to the room right in front of us as Livia checked every suspicious room, in other ways of saying, every single room.

"I truly wish Ragnarok is now," I muttered under my breath as I stepped inside the door. I swiftly crossed over piles of books that were on the ground, such messy people. I searched across the room by the beam of my flashlight, humming to myself, until—a pair of eyes! I gulped and got down, aware of my surroundings. Just then, I heard some faint whispers. Oh my gosh, they're awake! I have to find the box quickly. No, I must find the box. NOW!

I crawled on the damp, cold floor,  faster than ever, as if a lizard trying to escape the wrath of its predator. But without the help of my flashlight, it's quite impossible in finding something in the dark. So I used my senses, picturing how the box may look like and the possibility of its hiding place. I touched every object around me, finding the texture of wood as I hurried along the floor. 

Just when I was totally out of hope, I touched something like...a wooden box...? Yes. Right, a wooden box, A WOODEN BOX!!! I was so excited and I stretched my hands towards the place, but when I placed my palm on the treasure, I felt it ran out of my control again! What happened? What—

The light flickered on and I gasped in fear—they found me! Before I could make another move, a fist flied at my face and knocked me down on the floor. 

"Well well well, what do we have here?" 

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