Episode 5- Girls Know How

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(this episode shall have massive romance stuff. lots of trevor x dilys, elvis x penny, norman x sarah, and james x mandy. and yes, the title's like the song. this episode might not have an emergency)

Trevor Evans parked his bus in front of Dilys's shop and walked inside.

"Oh, morning Trevor," Dilys said flirtatiously, "how's your day going?"

"Er, well, I suppose," Trevor stuttered, "what are you up to, Dilys?"

"Oh, just managing the shop."

Suddenly, Norman came running down the stairs.

"The Great Normando-"

"Norman Price!!" Dilys shouted at her only child, "stop being so rude around Mr. Evans!!"

Norman lowered his head in shame, and said, "er, sorry, Mr. Evans."

"Oh, it's quite alright, Norman," Trevor chuckled.

"Going to ask my mam on a date, are you?"

Trevor blushed and looked at the ground, "er, well..."

"Bet you are," Norman said as he hurried off.

"Oh, don't mind him," Dilys said, a bit flustered, "oh, what were you saying?"

"Erm..." Trevor said, "I-I..."

Dilys packed up Trevor's lunch, like she always did, and said, "well, we could always go out, you know, like..."

"Well, it won't be bird watching again," Trevor chuckled as he took his paper bag lunch, "you didn't seem to like it much, if I remember."

"Thank goodness..." Dilys muttered under her breath.

"Maybe we could go hiking or something," Trevor thought, "somewhere in the wilderness, probably."

"Oh, or maybe we could go to that restaurant in Newtown, Trevie..." Dilys said flirtatiously, pulling him closer, "don't you like that idea?"

"Well, I suppose," Trevor stuttered, struggling to free himself from Dilys's grip, "we could go tomorrow night, that's my day off."

"Oh, well, that sure is wonderful!" Dilys said, acting surprised.

Trevor grinned sheepishly, "right. See you then."

Dilys still looked happy after Trevor had left. Just then, Penny Morris entered the shop.

"Morning, Dilys," she said, then noticed her smile, "gosh, you sure are smiling!"

"Oh, it's romance, Penny," Dilys said, "you know a bit about that, don't you?"

Penny blushed, "well, um..."

"Honestly, it's about time you and Elvis became a thing," Dilys said as she patted her hair and looked in a mirror, "you've been beating around the bush for the longest time!"

Penny's blush intensified, "Dilys, I..."

"Oh, well, us girls know how."

Penny smiled at that. It really was true.

Gerald and Norman walked down the street.

"What are we doing, Norman?" Gerald asked, "has it got to do with any of our friends?"

"Er..." Norman blushed, his freckled face turning bright red, "well, not exactly..."

Suddenly, Sarah and James came walking up.

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