Episode 2- Bus Down

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Fireman Sam was in his inventing shed, tinkering away on his latest invention. He hummed a small tune, as Sarah and James, his little niece and nephew, watched in wonder.

"What is it, Uncle Sam?" Sarah asked, "it looks awful big."

"It's a surprise," Sam told the two little kids, "why don't you go play with Norman and Mandy, so that you don't see what it is?"

"Okay, Uncle Sam," James said as the two kids ran off.

Just then, as Sam continued to work, Elvis came up to him and said, "whatcha workin' on, Sam? A new electric guitar for me?"

"No, Elvis," Sam chuckled, "it's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises," Elvis said, "but I'd sure like to know-"

"CRIDLINGTON!! Where's my tea???"

"Oh!" Elvis exclaimed, "I'd better get going; comin', Sir!!"

Elvis ran off, leaving Sam chuckling as he continued to tinker away at his new invention.

Trevor Evans drove along in his bus, humming a little tune. Inside the bus were Sarah and James, who were heading to Newtown to get some new things with their birthday money.

"Now, what store shall I drop you off at?" Trevor asked.

"The big one!!" James exclaimed.

"It has a name, silly," Sarah said, rolling her eyes, "it's called Newtown Central Mall. Our Mum's been there at least 20 times, she says!"

(in this version, cgi is not canon, so neither are charlie and bronwyn. sorry cgi fans)

"Oh, I've been there many times before," Trevor said. However, before the lovely conversation could continue, the bus started to cough and sputter. Smoke came out of the front.

"Oh dear!!" Trevor exclaimed as the bus stuttered to a stop, "looks like I'll have to take my bus in sooner than I thought!!"

"What are we going to do, Mr. Evans?" Sarah asked.

"Well, I'm sure there's a phone around here somewhere," Trevor said, looking about, "I saw it last week..."

"Oh dear," James said, looking at his twin sister, "looks like we're in a bit of a pickle!"

"We sure are," Sarah said, "I'm hungry."

"Me too," James said.

"Now now," Trevor told the two children, "don't worry, we're going to be fine!!"

The twins looked at each other, unsure if Trevor really felt confident about what he had just said.

"Penny!!" Elvis told his friend as they sat at the fire station table in the kitchen, "did you hear about Sam's new invention?"

"Oh, yes, I remember he told us about it last week," Penny smiled, looking up from her cup of tea, "he hasn't told you what it is, has he?"

"No," Elvis said in a disappointed voice, "he says it's a secret surprise. I don't like surprises."

Penny giggled, "well, I'm sure he'll be done with it soon, Elvis."

Elvis blushed as soon as Penny said his name, and he struggled with his words, "perhaps it's somethin' for me, Penny."

"Perhaps," Penny replied, looking slightly flirtingly at Elvis, "you know that anyone would make anything for you, because you're so sweet..."

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