Yeaaaaaaah, this is NOT happening.

I'll just say that I met Louis and he stayed the night and if they ask if we had sex, only then will I tell them yes.

I see the silhouettes of my friends approaching.

You can do it, Harry, you just have to tell them that Louis was at your place.

But why? He told me not to tell anybody.

This is stupid idea.

But I can't go long without telling anyone about it.

"Okay, so what is it, Harry?" Jasper asks as all of them sit down.

"Well... During the winter break, I may have snuck out of the house to meet Louis, and he may have stayed the night at my place..." I say slowly.

Jesus this is so embarrassing...

"What?! Louis Tomlinson?! Are you crazy?! Why?!" Jake shouts shocked.

Everyone is surprised except Jasmine and Amy who giggle.

"Why do you find this so funny? It's a tragedy!" Sarah says throwing her hands in the air.

"We already knew that there was something between Harry and Louis." Amy says happy.

"WHAT?! There's SOMETHING between THEM?! Like a love kind of thing?" Jake continues in surprise.

Everyone looks at me with wide eyes. I just nod, feeling myself start to blush.

I see something like fear in the eyes of my friends, especially the boys.

"Well I mean maybe not exactly love, but there's may be... Something. We haven't talked to each other since he left my house. but when we were alone, Louis was like a different person. He even made me breakfast." I explain myself.

"Have you guys been fucking?" Jasper asks unsurely.

I nod.

I see everyone trying to hold back a gasp.

"Was he... Good?" Jennifer asks shyly.

I nod once again.

Jesus, he was divine, not good. I know  I've never done something like this with anyone else, but I can already say that it will be difficult for someone to make me feel better than Louis.

"Oh Harry..." David sighs disappointed.

"What?" I look at him.

"He will use it against you whenever he feels threatened. Do you really not know Tomlinson?"

I look down. I know he'll take advantage of it, but I wasn't interested in it at the time.

And Louis also said that if I didn't cause any trouble, he would keep it a secret. I just need to stay aside while our groups argue and I'll be fine.

"Sorry Harry but you're dumb. Like for real. This boy cannot be trusted. Remember how easily he used the information about Jasper's cousin?" Jennifer says.

Fuck she's kinda right. God I feel so bad about what happened now.

"It's just that Louis hates Jasper, and he met Harry in the middle of the night, stayed with him for the night and even made him breakfast. Maybe this is different." Jasmine tries to be on my side and comfort me.

But Jennifer is right. Louis is Louis. He will use it in the first possible situation.

"God I feel so stupid..." I sigh as I hide my face in my hands.

I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. I look to the side and see Katie.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Harry. Nothing happened." She tries to comfort me.

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