Christmas Tree Farm

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Taylor's POV

Right now I'm at Travis' game, and he is winning and I'm really happy. In a couple of days we are heading to Jason place for Christmas. I get to meet Travis' family and other people. I don't know how to feel, I'm excited but then I'm also scared a little bit. What if they don't like me, what if they think I'm weird? I also need to work on getting packed when I get back from this game. It's almost over but I don't want to leave tomorrow I'm too scared to. I should talk to Travis and see what he says about it. I saw Travis and ran up to him and kissed him and he looked so handsome. He was perfect.

Taylor's POV

Today I am going shopping for the kids and for Jason and Kylie and Travis and Donna and Ed, and my parents. I'm really excited because this is the first Christmas that I can get this many presents for Donna. I'm really happy because I love shopping and spending time with people I love. I think I might get her perfume and maybe a coat and some other things. I already have everyone else presents. I'm really excited to see her reaction to the gift. Right now we are about to head to Jason house.

Travis POV

Taylor was out shopping for christmas presents for everyone. I am not sure what to get her. I was thinking that she really likes cats. She actually owns three cats,the oldest Dr. Meredith Grey, the middle one Detective Olivia Benson and the youngest Benjamin Button, And now am getting her another one. I decided on a kitten so it can live long. I decided on a Snowshoe cat which already looks like a Ragdoll with is the kind that is Benjamin.

I went to get him, from the place where I bought him since this are cats that can't be just found in a animal shelter, since they go from $1,000 to $1,500 dollars .After I pick him up I left him at a friends house, so I could go pick him up before I gave him to Taylor.

Taylor's POV

Right now me and Travis are on the way to the christmas party at his brother's house. I did not want to go empty handed so I got a ton of gifts and I'm excited for the girls to open there. I was not sure what to get them but Travis said they would be happy with anything. We both have another couple hours left to this fight and I'm tired of being here. Travis and I keep having mini fights about this. I don't understand why we can't stop fighting. The last one was about how I packed too many clothes and Travis was pissed off about that. Right now I want to make it up to him but I don't know how, right now me and Travis are about to get off.

Right now we are at Jason house and me and Travis have had another fight, this time about having kids. At this point I think Travis and I need to talk or else this is not going to work. So maybe in like 10 minutes I will ask him to let me speak to him in private because I'm tired of all of this, I want to spend Christmas with my love and his family and mine.

Travis's POV

Taylor and I have been fighting a lot recently and it's getting tiring because it's like we can't agree on anything. There always has to be a fight to it. Right now me and Taylor are going to go talk about it because we argue that we need to fix this so we can be happy to be around each other. I love Taylor so much and I feel terrible for fighting with her because she is the sweetest and I don't understand why we can't get along right now, we usually get along perfectly and there is no fighting but now it seems like there is a problem that we need to fix or else we could lose everything and I don't want to lose her.

The conversation

"Ok Travis, we need to talk about our fights and things like that, I'm tired of fighting with you about every little thing. I love you so much and it's killing me to see us act like this, I just want to go back to the way we were before we came to Jason house party" Taylor said while her arms are crossed around her chest.

"I understand Taylor me too, I hate fighting with you because I don't want to lose you. I know I am very stupid for starting those fights and It's my fault and I'm sorry. I understand if you want space for a little bit" Travis said looking down at his feet.

"No Travis, I don't want space, I want to be happy again with you, you mean the absolute world to me and I don't want to lose you. If we agree on not fighting I think we can solve this problem for a while ok" Taylor said walking close to him and putting her arms around his neck.

"I think I can do that, but now I think I need something from you Taylor, I need you so bad right now it's not even funny. Do you think we can resume this talk later and let me have an early christmas present maybe" Travis said while looking at her sexy.

"I think I can do that Travis, but I want you too promise not to be a pain in my ass anymore about having kids, we will have them at the right time" Taylor said while kissing him, and right as Travis was about to take off Taylor shirt Jason walked in asking if Taylor could play a song for the girls.

Taylor's POV

Now that the fight is over and I'm done singing to the girls I can finally go cuddle with Travis and fall asleep and wake up and open presents. I'm happy because I said one of my presents is amazing and that I probably won't be alive after opening it up. It's finally time to open presents and I run to the tree with the girls and we all open our presents until Travis said he will be right back and he told me to close my eyes. He came in and I heard a meow, he did not get me a cat did he. I opened my eyes and he put a tiny kitten into my lap, I started to cry and I gave Travis and big kiss on the lips while the girls said that was weird and that we should get a room. This is the best Christmas ever, I can't believe I got a cat for christmas. I'm very excited to go home and introduce it to its siblings at Travis house. That night after dinner me and Travis went to our room and we started to cuddle and I could not believe that he got me a new cat. He said we are naming it Joey from friends and I'm very excited for this entire day. It was so special to be I can't believe I got this lucky in a man. I just wanted to marry this guy, and I have never said that about anyone.


I hope you enjoyed this part, I know it's short but we did not have much time to do it

Any request go here

have a nice rest of you're day or evening or night

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