"Yeah, well-"

"Oh." Harry had stepped out of the door in the wall, and was staring at the two. His eyes met Aviana's. "I was going to tell you that everyone but Zacharias was here, but..."

"Unfortunately, he's here. And he's being a twat again." Aviana snapped, continuing to hurl the insults despite the fact that Harry taken several steps towards her and was guiding her away from Zacharias, who followed dully behind her. "I'm telling you, if anyone finds out about the group it'll be him, the slimy git."

"Hey!" Zacharias complained, as he stepped through the door. Harry closed it behind him, and made sure to lock it, and Aviana finally got a good look of what the room had managed to come up with when considering Harry's wishes.

It was quite cosy, actually, the walls lined with wooden bookcases, and large silk cushions on the floor as opposed to chairs. On the far end off the room was a set of shelves, carrying a range of instruments such as Sneakoscopes, Secrecy Sensors, and a large, cracked Foe-Glass. Something on there seemed to catch Aviana's eye and she practically skipped over, ignoring the looks she got from the group.

She picked up what looked like something normally kept in a jar in Snape's potion cabinet, examining it. "Hm." She hummed, to herself, regardless of the fact it was nearing eight o'clock and many of the group wanted to get started. Harry took his place at one of the cushions near to where she was standing, prepared to address the group.

"What is it?" He asked. It was completely unfamiliar to him or Hermione, who had been trying to identify it as they waited for others to arrive.

"Remnants of a pixie." She said simply. "Supposed to bring luck in battle. And this is... oh." Her surprise was evident. "An old bell jar of time." She murmured, as others around murmured, Cho and several others pulling faces at the pixie artefact. "Decommissioned, of course." She added, placing it down warily and turning to the group. Her eyes landed on Ron, who was on the cushion next to Harry.

Wordlessly, Ron shifted up one, and Aviana took his place.

"Well," Harry began, slightly nervously. "This is the place we've found for practices, and you've - er - obviously found it okay -"

"It's fantastic!" Cho was the first to agree, and several people murmured their agreement. Harry didn't need to look at Aviana to confirm that a glare had settled on her face again; he could see the way her expression formed in his peripherals.

"It's bizarre," Fred said, frowning around at it all. "We once hid from Filch in here, remember, George? But it was just a broom cupboard then..."

"Hey, Harry, what's the rest of that stuff?" Dean pointed out the shelves. "You know, other than the dead fairy."

"Ashes and skeleton of a pixie, actually." Aviana corrected. "And there should be a small vial of it's blood in there as well. Salazar, you're all wimps." She added, as more faces of disgust were made.

Harry nudged her with his knee. "Dark Detectors," He replied, reaching behind him to pick them up. He carefully avoided the decommissioned bell jar of time - whatever the hell it was. It had seemingly spooked even Aviana, and that was enough to turn his attention away. "They all show when Dark wizards or enemies are around, but you don't want to rely on them too much, they can be fooled..."He gazed for a moment into the cracked Foe-Glass; shadowy figures were moving around inside it, though none was recognizable.

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