Chapter 12: Guilt and Ribbons

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Some formless and unsettling aspect of the magic Qaleya had used to get us all out of immediate danger had caused my veins to constrict like I was stung by a venomous wasp. The poisonous cocktail of fear, physical and mental exhaustion, and the sight of the Shadow Sentinel falling unconscious onto the ground at our feet was causing the edges of my vision to darken. Waves of dizziness threatened to pull me off my feet but were abated momentarily by the panic in Taylin's voice.

"I think I can hear them looking for us, they can't be far behind us Idian," She announced as she peered over my shoulder and above the outcropping of crimson-hued boulders we had ducked behind for safety. "We have to get further from the city."

I crouched low beside the grey Elf at our feet and placed my hand in front of her mouth and nose, the warmth and moisture I felt as she exhaled an unconscious breath gave me the smallest measure of relief. At least I knew that she hadn't died outright. I searched inside my soul for any remaining strength I might have to call forth Aurivar's healing magic but found that my reserves were drier than the plain of the crimson wasteland stretched out before us. I reached out and tried to detect something from Qaleya, any obvious injury or defect that I could find with my last vestige of Aurashine instinct that might tell me what exactly was wrong with her. Even if I had the remaining power to heal her, I didn't have any inkling what it was that I was supposed to heal.

"I'm tapped, and I bet you are too. I can't do anything for her until we rest," I explained breathlessly, pulling her away from peaking over the rocks and forcing her to crouch down beside me.

Normally, Taylin's eyes were fierce and full of determination and wonder, but now they were only wide and frightened. I realized as I looked at the fear written across her face that I must have looked just like she did, a kid way in over their head.

Taylin felt Qaleya's skin with the back of her hand to assure herself that she still had warmth and life in her limp body as she whispered, "We can't leave her here, and we can't stay here much longer. What do we do? Where do we go?"

No part of me had any clear answer. When we were in the ruins of the ancient Dwarves, I had the luxury of being brave and curious, as I was sure we weren't in real danger. Qaleya had made it plain that the Crimsonforgers had harsh penalties for those caught violating their laws and restrictions, and now that there was an actual threat nipping at our heels I no longer felt brave or curious. I felt foolish, like a child who had asked too many questions and received a sound scolding. I decided that the only mindset available to me was instinct.

"Come on, we'll drag her if we have to," I said, rising to my feet and hooking an arm under Qaleya's armpit.

Taylin took her other arm with a groan of physical effort and scanned the options in front of us. "Where?" She asked, straining under the weight of the limp body slumped between us.

I took in our choices; the road in front of us was hard-packed and smooth but I had no idea where it led and even though it wasn't likely that we'd encounter any travelers at this time of day it was a risky choice. To the north was thick and bristled underbrush that led into a patch of sparse and barren trees. It might be enough cover for us to at least hide and take a breather but even from here I could see that the stout bushes were full of barbs and thorns and would tear our clothes and skin to pieces. To the south was a downhill slope that led away from the mountain and back out into the wide expanse of the crimson plains. We'd be easily spotted by anyone looking for us, even if it would be much easier to drag Qaleya downhill. 

"Nowhere to go. I guess we follow this trail. The Ascendant Lands are to the west and that's where Qaleya said we should go," I decided and began to pull the Shadow Sentinel's body along with me.

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