🌧 Muichiro has a nightmare ☁

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↫↱How would Muichiro react after a nightmare? 🤔↲↬

This will be written in a scenario formatting! Muichiro has not regained his memories yet!


Muichiro was never one to remember his dreams or nightmares. No matter how good or bad, they were vivid, but always escaped him as soon as he opened his eyes. Whenever he awoke, the feelings left by whatever his mind conjured up that night were always fleeting and never lasted..

But this time was different. The feelings didn't leave as soon as he woke and instead stayed, sticking uncomfortably to his heart and causing it to beat in a rhythm foreign to him; Fear. His body, not used to the feeling, shoots up and tenses. His breaths come out thick and short in quick puffs..

And the worse part is how unaware he is of the reason. His mind only able to produce blurred pictures of his dream in quick, annoyingly consistent bursts. And so, he gets up and sprints out of his room and down the hall to the guest room of his home where you currently reside.

 "Remember, Tokito. If you're ever upset about something and need to calm down, come to me. I can help you out."

He slides the door open, his feet moving before his mind can comprehend what he's doing and by the time it does, he had already laid himself by your side.

The room is silent aside from the sound of the crickets conversing outside and the clashing noise of your calm, steady, and consistent breath versus his erratic, inconsistent ones. His vision is filled with your soft hair, your lashes, your parted, slightly damp lips, your covered chest that rose sporadically due to your constant practice of total concentration breathing..

Like a spell had been cast over him at the sight of you, his mind slowly goes blank. The air in his lungs return to him and the tears that were clumped together along the waterline of his eyes finally fall..

That unbearable feeling that caged his chest finally dispersed, freeing him and his mind. His face returns to it's neutrality and his mind searches every crevice of his mind to remember why he was here only to shoot blanks.

But the thought of leaving never crosses his mind. Not for a second. He moves, but only to lazily swing his arm over your side and pull himself closer to you. He moves again, but only to bury his tear-stained face into your shoulder. Your scent fills his nose and he closes his eyes. His mind, which was once clouded by vague faces and gory scenes, now at peace which allows a brand new scene to play. One that's filled with a field of colorful flowers, a sky full of clouds, and the sight of your sleeping form resting against a tall tree..

In the end, Muichiro lulls off to sleep curled up to you with the uncommon look of serenity on his face.


Tumblr Link: https://aritsukemo.tumblr.com/

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