Chapter Three _ Plans with Friends and a Sprinkle of Family Madness

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Not gonna lie, the space was a bit tight in there. Sam was comfortably sittig on the passenger seat, while me and Mikaela shared the backseat. It's difficult to put it into words, just trust me when I say it wasn't the most comfortable, but we didn't really want to say anything about it.

We entered a tunnel, and Mikaela broke the several minutes of silence with a sigh. "This car is a pretty good driver."

"I know." Sam looked at her. "Why doesn't one of you go sit on that seat, there?" He nodded towards the driver seat.

"Oh, so now you wanna be the gentlemen?" I mumbled. "I'm not gonna sit there."

"Yeah, me neither, he's driving." She retorted.

"Yeah. You're right." Sam paused, then he blurted: "Well, Mikaela, maybe you should sit in my lap."

"Why?" Her tone made me snort, and Sam started stuttering.

"Well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first."

Laughing under my breath, I nudged her. She actually was sitting in the less comfortable spot. She sighed. "Yeah, alright." She moved, and I finally had some space to breathe. I sat upright since what felt like hours, and I moved my arms around a little bit.

"You know, that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move." Mikaela commented, and Sam answered a proud "Thank you" while laughing. "You know what I don't understand?" Mikaela lowered her voice until it was close to a whisper, and I had to lean over a bit to listen in. "Why, if he's supposed to be this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into this piece-of-crap Camaro?"

The sudden break that followed caused me to hit my nose on the front seat. I let out a loud "Fuck!" and I exited the car as soon as the front moved. I thought I heard some frantic whirring sounds at some point, but I was more focused on the pain on my nose. We watched as the car drove off, leaving us stranded on the side of the road.

Sam just kept on whining. "Great, now, see? Fantastic. Now you pissed him off. That car is sensitive. I mean, 4000 dollars just drove off!"

"Yeah, no, I'm alright. I'm good. Thanks for asking." I commented while I glared at them both, massaging my nose.

"Come here, let me see." Mikaela offered.

I huffed. "It's okay, I'm fine. It didn't even bleed."

Sam turned around, irritated. "Then why are you even complaining?"

I paused. "Why- because it hurt, you insensitive broomstick!"

"Guys, stop it." Mikaela stepped in, and I just turned the other way, huffing.

Not even half a minute later, we heard the roaring of an engine behind us. We all turned around, and saw a brand new yellow and black Camaro. New model, new paint job, new everything.

"What?" Sam was shocked. Mikaela and I exchanged a look, then we all approached the car.

He still needed to move the front seat to let me in, but now the back was much more spacious. Sam didn't waste time hopping on the driver seat, after keeping the passenger door open for Mikaela.

"Yeah, try to explain this to your parents." I joked, running a hand over the seat.

"They're gonna freak out for sure." But he didn't seem too worried at that moment.

The seatbelts fastened around all of us, on their own, and we took off once again. Where to, we had no idea, but after that we were all in on it.


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