What happened yesterday??

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"You're kidding me." Jisung said on the other end of the call.

"Nope," Hyunjin replied, taking out a bottle of rum from the freezer and fixing himself a weak drink.

He lived in an apartment nearby the BTSKZ building. It was the same complex as his friend Taehyung, who he often freelance-styled for the model's photoshoots. Hyunjin made good money and it showed in his surroundings; everything in his apartment was clearly expensive, and he liked it that way. He was young, but he'd worked damn hard to get where he is.

Hyunjin continued. "I told him I didn't see anything, but I definitely did."

"Not a great first impression, you freak!" Jisung said. Then he lowered his voice. "How big?"

Hyunjin nearly spit out his drink. "Now who's the freak??"

Jisung laughed. "Okay, okay, sorry! Listen, Minho is whining for me to come to bed, so I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon for the group fitting. Kisses!"

"Goodnight, hyung." Hyunjin hung up, shaking his head and chuckling.

He sat on his couch, listening to calming music and sipping on his drink. When he had a fitting, he liked to just sit and think. The images of potential outfits came to him when he was by himself, relaxed. He had the ability to conjure up fine details when he put looks together in his mind.

Hyunjin didn't like brainstorming with his team, to be honest; so they did their work on their own and brought everything together at the end. The system worked just fine, and his employees wouldn't complain about anything he did anyway. He was their idol, even the ones older than him. It would be a lie to say it didn't fuel his ego.

Attempting to exclude the entirety of Seungmin's body, he began fitting him in his mind. He'd need more time with the younger to get familiar with his personality, but Hyunjin could at least start based on looks alone. The stylist was thinking about a softer look to start, as Seungmin had a puppy-like aesthetic.

Picturing the guy wearing some of his designs, Hyunjin found himself blushing, his cheeks getting hot. Seungmin was both adorable and sexy in a natural, easy way. Though he hadn't seen the younger smile yet, he imagined it and got goosebumps.

Snapping his eyes open, Hyunjin shook his head and blinked. He downed the last of his drink and went to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face.

Beautiful people constantly surrounded him, and usually it had no effect on him; but something about Seungmin was making him nervous. He had always kept a business relationship with the idols he styled. The only person he'd dated at BTSKZ was in accounting, so that relationship had been fairly separated from his work.

For some reason, though, Hyunjin was desperate to see Seungmin smile. He wanted it so badly that he started preparing funny things to say to him tomorrow. It was absolutely pathetic, but he couldn't help himself.

What is wrong with you?? You need to stop this, he's your coworker for fuck's sake. Hyunjin thought to himself, leaving the bathroom to change into his designer pajamas.

Pushing Seungmin from his heart to his head, he sat at his desk and drew some sketches of the younger to prepare for tomorrow. By the time he was curled up in bed, the distracting thoughts had vanished.


Breakfast was complete chaos. It appeared some of the members were morning people, while others were...not.

Jisung, Jin, and Namjoon were peppy and talkative, teasing each other loudly. They were tossing things at each other, laughing and running around.

Minho, Yoongi, and Jeongguk were not as enthusiastic to be awake. Yoongi had moved himself to the farthest corner of the room, and Minho and Jeongguk were sitting next to each other at the dining table. Minho had headphones in and was rubbing his temples; Jeongguk was staring into space with sleepy eyes, his mouth slightly open.

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