Status and Training

523 16 13

Rimuru POV:

We're all currently gathered at the training grounds. After waking up and having breakfast we were introduced to the head knight named Meld who will be handling our training. Meld brought out small transparent plates measuring 12x7 centimetres. After he confirmed we all had one he began his explanation.

"Okay everyone, these are status plates. It is the most reliable form of identification. As long as you have these with you, you won't be in any danger even if you get lost. Any questions?"

Seeing as there were no questions he continued explaining.

"Don't worry about honorifics when talking to me or the other knights since we'll be buddies from now on."

After he said that everyone in the class visibly relaxed. He probably picked up on the fact that we don't like to be treated too politely.

"Spill a drop of blood on the magic circle located on the status plate and you'll be registered as the owner. Once you say the words "show status" it'll show you what your stats are."

Everyone nodded in acknowledgment.

It was pretty funny seeing all their faces as their fingers got stabbed with needles, I had to try my hardest to stifle my giggle. They all had ugly expressions on their faces with no exceptions. Since I didn't have any blood to drop on the magic circle I just got Ciel to inject some of my mana into it.

I could hear my classmates all commenting on how it looked like video game stats as they were analyzing their own.

"I will explain about your status. First is your level. It will naturally increase when your other stats go up. The maximum possible level for a human to reach is 100. But no one has ever reached this level. Training will naturally increase your status as well as artifacts. You will gain access to artifacts later on. Think of your level as a way to judge a person's potential."

It's kinda weird your level increases when your stats do and not the other way around, but that's only because I'm used to video games. Although, since this is a real-world scenario it makes more sense the way it is.

"Next is class. Some classes far outmatch others in turns of ability while others are around average. Some classes are extremely rare while others are quite common."

He then asked us to show him our statuses.

'This is bad' I think as I look at my absurd numbers.

(Um Ciel, is there any way to fake my status?)

[it is possible to lower the numbers Since it is on a plate and physically in front of me I think I will be able to change the numbers but the same can't be said for the name, level, race, class and age.]

'Ah, shit.....what are we going to do about my race and class. AH MY AGE TOO.....'

I forgot since I only recently evolved but true dragons keep their age even after reincarnation since "death" doesn't actually mean we die, we just get reincarnated with our memories intact.

'Fuck it, it's a problem for future me to deal with. For now, we need to get to the more pressing issue. MY NUMBERS ARE TOO HIGH.'

[Analysis completed. Starting forgery......completed]

'Whew,' I mentally wipe sweat from my forehead.

"Usually people at level 1 only have around 10 points per stat but you all probably have much more."

I could see Nagumo look around frantically, seemingly worried while everyone was bragging about their status.

(Hey Ciel can you show me his status please.)

Reincarnated again only to get Isekai'dNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ