Average(?) School day

452 13 16

Rimuru POV:

I've been living on my own for 4 years now, honestly, it's been great. Since I was practically living in my imaginary space, I was spending a lot of my time with Ciel since she created a clone for her to inhabit. I used the money my parents sent me to buy crops so that I could plant them in my imaginary space since I could just speed up time and make them grow faster as well as having an unlimited source of food. I only really used the money my parents sent to buy meat or manga.

After the first five years of my life, Ciel kept going on about how she was my wife and no one else could have me. I was honestly surprised at first but never really engaged in that conversation. After a while I did start seeing Ciel as my wife/partner I never said it out loud although she probably knew since she know's what I'm thinking and feeling. She still kept telling me that she was my wife since she wanted to hear me admit it.

After we moved out of my parent's house I decided to bribe Ciel into telling me why I was a female instead of a male by telling her I'd admit she's my wife. After a lot of back and forth, she ended up telling me the reason.


"Ne~ I've been meaning to ask, why exactly am I a girl now?"

I asked in genuine curiosity, wondering if there was an actual reason or if it was by pure chance(which I doubt)



I say in a hum while smiling sweetly (glaring) at her.


"You know I was willing to acknowledge you as my wife but I'm not so sure anymore since you're keeping secrets from me. "

I say while turning away and looking at her out of the corner of my eye.

I could see Ciel flinch and her brain (figuratively) go into overdrive trying to decide whether it was worth it or not. of course, I already knew the answer since I knew how badly she wanted to hear me admit it. After a good minute of contemplation, she finally spoke.

"It's because since Master is a girl now less women will be attracted to you so I'll have less competition. As for men, I know master will turn them all down."

She puffed her chest out and stated proudly as if expecting to be praised.

Honestly, I was a little peeved that that was the reason why I was deprived of a son. I ended up pouting and didn't talk to Ciel for the rest of the week.

Flashback end

Although I ended up acknowledging her as my wife I'm still slightly depressed at not having a son. I ended up adjusting but it was annoying to have to deal with all of the lustful stares and confessions as well as the jealousy of the girls. Not to toot my own horn but I'm honestly drop-dead gorgeous. I can see why so many guys want me, cause even tho it's my own body I still can't get used to how good I look. If I was still a guy and I saw myself walking down the street I'd probably give myself a lustful look without even realising it. An hourglass figure that curves in all the right places, a medium-sized ass that isn't too big but isn't too small either but enough to add shape to my figure along with ample c-cup breasts. I'm quite happy with the way I look, even though I'm a girl I can still appreciate beauty especially if it's my own. I'm being narcissistic? WRONG! I'm just a cultured person who enjoys beautiful views.

After the first couple of years, Ciel informed me that I was able to change my body back to that of a true Dragon. Honestly, I was surprised because I thought I'd have to stay in a human body till I died of old age. I happily agreed to let my body be reconstructed, and as a result, I was asleep for three days. The change in my body caused my hair and eye colour to go back to what it was in the cardinal world as for my looks, it caused my breasts and ass to grow slightly as well as giving me a more alluring look and sharpening my features. I didn't even know it was possible to look even more beautiful. It also caused me to age up looking to be around 16 years old, I also gained back all of my intrinsic skills. I changed my looks back to dark brown eyes I inherited from my dad and a deep black hair that I got from my mother that reaches down to my waist so people don't get suspicious as to why my hair and eye colour changed along with looking like a 16-year-old since I was still in middle school.

Reincarnated again only to get Isekai'dWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt