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Rimuru POV:

After I opened my eyes the first thing that came into my field of vision was a huge mural standing roughly 10 metres tall of a man with a halo above his head. I swivel my head around to discern my surroundings. I see huge thick pillars of solid marble with intricate patterns lining them and the walls, as well as stained glass behind us and another Mural on the roof of what I assume to be their god.

As I turn to check that everyone is there I notice 30 people in white robes reminiscent of those a priest would wear standing before us. The man I assume to be the leader seeing as he's in a more extravagant robe with an expensive-looking staff in hand as well as being at the front of the group starts to speak.

"Welcome to Tortus hero-sama and his companions. I am Ishtar, the pope of the church of Ehit. I hope we can get along well."

The man looks around middle-aged with a small beard and gray hairs. He speaks in a solemn and respectful tone.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who wasn't confused after our summoning seeing as I already knew it was going to happen and knew of similar things.

As I looked around to check on my classmates I could see some of them panicking while Aiko was trying to calm them down. While others who watched or read isekai anime and manga were quite excited at the prospect of being "the hero who saved the world." The most excited one being Kouki.

By the looks of the priests and pope, I discern they're not bad people seeing as they politely greeted us and haven't tried to engrave enslavement curses on us. Obviously, there's a chance that they don't know how or don't have the knowledge to do so.

Before the priests can guide us to another room Shizu's voice stops them.

"Has anyone seen Rimuru? I'm sure she was summoned with us, But I can't find her anywhere here. If she ended up getting summoned to some random place we need to go find her!"

Before Shizu can run out the door to find me I speak up.

"Um, I'm right here Shizu. You don't need to worry about me."

As the words leave my mouth Shizu whips her head around trying to find the source of the voice but as her eyes land on me her face contorts in confusion.

"Eh? Rimuru is that you?"

"Yeah? Is something wrong?"


Everyone yells making me wince a little. I mean I can't blame them, I look nothing like I used to back on earth. I have more defined features with a more filled-out figure and completely different hair and eye colour. I used to be around 5'0 feet but I grew a few inches so I'm now standing at the same height as Kaori at 5'4.

"Why do you look so.....different."

Shizu asks with a concerned tone.

"What do you mean?"

I reply while looking down and acting as if I don't know what she's talking about.

"What the hell happened to my hair?! Did my boobs and ass get bigger as well?"

As I say this I can feel the gazes from the boys in the class and see their faces redden.

"Ummm, I mean as long as you're not hurt then I guess it's fine?"

Shizu says resignedly knowing she probably won't find an answer.

As our conversation ends the Pope leads us into a large room with a long table in the centre. Of course, Kouki takes a seat at the head of the table along with his followers and Aiko. Me, Shizu and Kaori take a seat near the middle of the table.

Reincarnated again only to get Isekai'dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن