"Sofia hasn't had a single practice with the team," Irene our assistant coach says.

"She's amazing, we'll be fine," Misa says.

"Practice is not up for discussion," Alberto says and we all groan.

We climb up on the large bus that has arrived to drive us to the hotel.

"There's no way you're fucking tired," Ivone groans as I sit back in my seat closing my eyes.

"I'm just resting my eyes, Ivone," I tell her.

"You rested your eyes like the entire flight," Fernanda says hitting me with her neck pillow.

"Fernanda," I groan grabbing the pillow, "I will leave you stranded here in Mexico. My mom is here, we can meet her up for breakfast soon."

"Sofia is buying breakfast," Mina shouts.

"I'll buy you all breakfast if you all leave me the fuck alone and let me rest," I groan as my phone begins to ring.

I sigh taking the call. "You landed," João says.

"Baby I just woke up," I groan, "everyone is up my ass."

"I just wanted to see if you landed safe stinky," he tells me, "but I'll leave you alone, I guess."

"Oh my god," I groan, "we're not even on FaceTime and I know you're pouting."

"Of course I'm pouting," he says, "my girlfriend doesn't want to talk to me."

"Your girlfriend is tired," I sigh, "besides, it's past your bed time, silly, go to sleep."

"I want to talk to my girlfriend," he says, "did you not get any sleep on the flight ?"

"I did, I think I overslept, that might be the issue," I laugh. "FaceTime me, I want to see your pretty face."

"The prettiest girl in the world thinks I'm pretty," he smiles as his face pops up on the screen.

"Hi, silly," I smile.

"I miss you, pretty girl," he pouts.

"I just left," I laugh.

"What's your point ?" He asks.

I shake my head, "you're so cute. Has Cris gone to bed ?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's sleeping already," he nods.

"You should get some sleep too," I tell him.

"Ah, you hate me," he sighs dramatically.

"Nooo," I laugh, "I have to call Gio, see where she's at."

"Oh, okay, bye, baby, I love you, have a great game, score lots of goals," he says.

"I'll try," I smile blowing him a kiss, "I love you, I'll call you later."

As I'm about to ring Gio, a message comes in, it's João. I laugh opening it.

My golden boy <3

My golden boy: Behave, I love you



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The star crossed lovers || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now