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After texting Sowon, Eunji kept her phone and proceeded to the entrance of the nightclub in Incheon.

After Jisu calling her earlier, after hearing her muffled cries that blended with the blasting music in the background, asking her to pick her up, Eunji wasted no time and went straight to the address Jisu gave her.

Jisu thought she had called Sowon as she had been changing her name, not her. Not Eunji.

Eunji knew she should not go. She knows that Jisu is upset, angry at her. But discovering her state through the phone call earlier, Eunji couldn't help it.

Sowon is out of reach. Eunji has been calling her on her way to the Incheon to inform her about Jisu's state. But the girl is out of reach that's why she just left her a message.

Upon entering the inside of the establishment, the loud music and the smell of alcohol immediately greeted her senses. The place is also crowded which made Eunji hardly walk through.

"Excuse me, excuse me. " She chanted, slipping through the dance floor and towards the seating area.

She roamed her eyes around, examining every faces that is present in her line of sight. Her eyes spotted a girl seated on a one seater in the corner, back facing her. She is alone and base from her form, Eunji could definitely tell it is her friend.

It is Jisu.

Eunji walked through the narrow aisle while her eyes not leaving Jisu's form.

Jisu on the other hand, stood up and walked unsteadily towards the black door near the table in the corner.

"Jisu! "

Eunji immediately followed her and entered the same door. She immediately spotted Jisu washing her hands with her head hanging low, her body is swaying from side to side. A sign that she is already wasted.

"Jisu, " Eunji whispered, slowly approaching her. "Are you okay? " Perhaps that's the dumbest question Eunji could ever ask to a drunk person that's hurt.

Jisu lifted her head and looked at her in the mirror then to her. Jisu let put a dry laugh when their eyes met.

"Fuck this hallucination. " Jisu muttered before started walking unsteadily past Eunji, totally ignoring her.


Eunji stood there, confused. It's her first time hearing Jisu cussed loudly. Her voice was sharp despite it being almost inaudible.

"What? " She looked at Jisu and grabbed her hand. "Jisu, you're drunk. "

That was not a question but Jisu shakes her head. "I'm not— fuck. "

Eunji couldn't hear what Jisu said as it was full of gibberish. She sighed. "Let me get you ho— "

"No. "

"What? "

Jisu snatched her wrist from Eunji's grasp, her body crashing to the wall from the force. Eunji was about to help her but Jisu shakes her head, lifting her hands to stop her.

"For the love of God, don't come near me. "

That phrase alone hurt Eunji. She stopped on her tracks and look at her friend. The sight made her heart clenched.

Jisu is crying. She is crying right in front of her. "Y-you hurt me.."

"I'm sorry. " A stray tear also rolled down Eunji's eye. She immediately dried it with the sleeve of her sweater. "I-i didn't mean to hurt you. "

"You love him, don't you? " Jisu asked.

Eunji lowered her head and slowly nodded. There is no point in lying anyway. She already hurt Jisu, lying will just make it worse. "I do. "

A dry chuckle left Jisu's lips making Eunji to look at her. Her cheeks are wet from the tears that are continuously rolling down. "Funny, don't you think? "

"Funny that I am hurt, " Jisu started. " I am fucking hurt not because you dated him. I am  hurt because you already love someone else. "

"I've been liking you for who fucking knows. I've been loving you not in a platonic shit way but you.... I tried forgetting my feelings because you are fucking straight and I am a woman. We are friends..." She shakes her head. "I tried forgetting this damn feeling. I thought it's okay as long as you won't date anyone, as long as you don't love someone..."

"But it fucking hurts because I thought wrong. It hurts that you're already in love with someone. I hate it that I am hurt and that I am not fucking mad—"

The door burst open and it revealed Sowon who immediately went in between them. "What happened? "

Stunned from the revelations, Eunji was unable to talk. She just stood there, eyes on the ground as Sowon started helping Jisu who is now sitting on the floor.


She wasn't hurt because I am dating Jake. She's hurt because of me....

"Eunji, aren't you coming? " Sowon asked, helping Jisu by the door.

Eunji found herself shaking her head. Her mind could not still process what just happened. What her friend just told her.

What Jisu just confessed to her...

She's just drunk. She didn't know what she was talking, she's juat drunk.

She thought, trying to persuade herself.

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