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HAPPY 100 CHAPTERS!!! This is the first time and first book to reach 100 chapters! And this should be celebrated lol. Anw, happy reading!


Eunji stirred from her nap when the doorbell of her apartment, rang. She slowly rises to her feet, hand finding its way to her temple to massage it.

Her hangover is bad. And that is pretty understandable from the amount of alcohol she takes, and tears she had let out last night.

Jake immediately greeted her sight once she opened the door.

"You alright? " The man asks, stepping inside and towards her to give her a hug. He kissed the crown of her head before fully entering the apartment.

Eunji shakes her head. "I feel shit. "

Jake chuckled as she guided him to her kitchen.

"I brought you a medicine. You should drink it. " He said, handing her a small paperbag. "Then rest again while I prepare your breakfast. "

Eunji smiled. "Thank you. "

Just like what the raven haired said, she took the medicine and decided to sat on one of the stool while facing Jake who started working in her kitchen.

She watches him with her head resting on her palms that is on the table.

He is such a boyfriend- no. He is such a husband material.

Never in her whole life, imagined someone taking care of her. Especially that someone being the famous student whom everyone admires, Sim Jake.

If you'd tell her the younger her years ago that she would end up dating the famous Sim Jake, she would probably laugh at your face and call you crazy.

Crazy that the man will date her. Crazy that she will date him, the man whom her friend used to like.

But look at her now. She's dating him. She's officially his girlfriend.

First girlfriend.

Thousands of people fighting each other, putting so much effort just to be noticed by him, and he's there, in her kitchen, making her breakfast.

Being her boyfriend.

This is just the first day since they started dating but Eunji couldn't help but to feel like they've been dating for months already.

Maybe it's because Jake has always been expressive with his feelings, even before.

She sighed. She wanted to go to him and hug him. To inhale his scent, his familiar perfume. But she's not sure if it would be appropriate to do it.

What the hell Eunji, you already made out with him last night and you're being hesitant just for a hug?

Eunji's cheeks flushed pink from the thought. Suddenly, the room went hot and she couldn't help but to suddenly feel shy.

After debating and little talk with herself, she finally stood up and walked towards where Jake is.

The latter is busy cutting vegetables for the broth he is cooking.

Eunji stared at his back for quite few seconds before she suddenly wrapped her hands behind him, back hugging him.

Jake instantly reacted. He stopped on what he's doing as a smile spread to his lips. He likes it.

No, he loves it. He loves her being clingy to him. He doesn't mind her, hugging him while he prepare her breakfast.

"How's your head? " He asked, letting her hug him as he continued slicing the vegetables.

"Hmm fine. Guess the medicine took its effect now. " Eunji answered.

"I'm glad to know that. " He replied.

She bit her lip and pressed her head against his back. "I hurt my best friend. I, " she paused. "I betrayed her. "

"Hmm? "

Eunji tightened her hold to him as she open up. "Remember the one I told you before? The one I asked you about your opinion of hating the people who hurt your friend? "

Jake paused for a second. "Is it that one about rejection and cancelled wedding? "

She hummed. "Well, it's my friend, Jisu. You've met her last night. "

"I remember, along with your other friend. Sowon, was it? "

"Yes. " She answered. "The group i was referring that time, it's your group. You and your friends. "

"I kinda figured that out. " He pointed out making Eunji wonder if she's really transparent. Or maybe he's just that smart.

"Well, your friend, Jay... He is the one who Jisu almost became related with. He was the sibling of Jisu's older brother's ex. " She sighed. "And you, you were the one who rejected her. "

Jake's body stilled for a few seconds. He dropped the knife and reached the faucet to wash his hand before turning around to face his girlfriend.

"You've hurt her that's why I was supposed to avoid your group, especially you and your friend, Jay. "

He wrapped his hand around her, putting her in his embrace. "Eunji-"

She immediately shook her head. "I know you'll say sorry but-"

"I am. I do feel sorry that she was hurt but I am not sorry for rejecting her. I don't want to give false hope to people. " He interrupted her. "Plus if I didn't reject them, then I won't have you. So I'm glad I did. "

Is it wrong that Eunji is glad too?

"Jisu, she didn't know we had a communication before. She didn't know anything about us until last night. I'm pretty sure she connected the dots. " Eunji sighed. "Sowon said she gets wasted when we left. It's..."

A stray tear escaped her eye which she immediately and secretly dried with the back of her hand.

"She probably think I don't value our friendship. She probably think I betrayed her. But God knows how much I value her and our bond. " She bit her lip, blinking her eyes to prevent herself from crying once again. She already cried enough last night. "She probably thinks I'm a terrible friend.... "

"You're a great friend, baby. And I'm sure she won't think any of that because I don't. " He kissed her temple. "But if she did, them I'm here. I will not stop reminding you that you're a wonderful person. I will not leave you even if you push me away. "

Eunji smiled.

"Feelings are valid, and so are emotions. We cannot control what others may think, we can't dictate their emotions, their response to that emotion. " He added. "What we can control is how we see ourselves. How we deal with thir response. "

"I will not leave you baby. And if you need someone, I'm here. I'll stand by your side. So cheer up, ok? "

Eunji nodded, smiling so widely. He indeed cheered her up. And she couldn't help but to be thankful.

She looked up to thank him but before she could even do so, Jake already leaned down and pecked her lips.

"Your food is almost ready, pretty. I'll serve it in a few minutes. "

UNKNOWN NUMBER ; jakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora