Villains should get better lines than 'join us.'

Start from the beginning

"I don't." Percy assured her. "As far as I know, you're smarter than the Olympians." His mind flashed to the scene where he was being banished and held back his grief.

"I don't need your flattery." The goddess sniffed. "Now go, please. You can go through the door to the mortal world, which is between the River Styx and the River Cocytus." She vanished into the shadows once more. Percy shrugged.

"I guess I'm escaping this place now." He said to no one in particular.

Nico di Angelo's POV months later, Camp Half-Blood—

The gods have lost their minds.

Well, it wasn't the first time.

Why in the name of my dad would they even think about banishing Percy to Tartarus?! Zeus just needed to accuse Percy of a crime and he would go poof! No more savior of Olympus. I scowled. I would get Percy back.

But it's been five years, and no one has seen him. Zeus declared him as dead, but I haven't felt his death yet. Not yet.

Perhaps Tartarus was so deep I couldn't feel Percy's soul, but I still believed he survived. Sure, he would be scarred for life, and even worse, he would be alone, but he would make it through.

I hope he meets Damesan. He's probably still reforming somewhere in the Pit. Dam it, what am I rambling about? I needed to get Percy back.

"Whatcha thinking about, Death breath?" Will nudged me. I sighed.

"Percy." I felt a sharp pang in my gut. "It's just that he died so unfairly..." Will wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I get it, I miss him too. But the judges had to go easy on him, right? He would probably be in rebirth or Elysium or something like that." I nodded slowly.

"Maybe." I murmured. "Or maybe, he didn't die yet."

"It's been five years, Nico." His voice cracked. "He couldn't have survived that long, could he? The only reason why he survived down there once was because of Annabeth, and now he's alone."

"Time works different in the Underworld." I said darkly. "For all I know, 500 years could've passed for Percy, and we wouldn't have known about it." Will stood up suddenly as the conch horn blew. We were being attacked.

-Time skip sponsored by Kronos-

Percy Jackson, door to the Mortal World

Percy held on to Riptide, which was embedded firmly into the shattered glass floor.

"Fuck you, Annabeth." He muttered angrily and pushed himself further. "Curse you, gods of Olympus!" He gave a final push up the ridge and collapsed onto the cliffside.

"Well done, Perseus." A voice said. "I have not seen such bitterness in a millennium." Percy looked up warily and saw Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, and nearly fell off of the cliff in surprise.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked. "I thought gods couldn't visit Tartarus...can they?" Nemesis shook her head.

"No, Perseus. This is merely a sliver of my consciousness. I am not physically here, but your thirst for revenge is so great that I can sense it all the way from the mortal world." Percy looked away, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"What do you want?" He spat, still not looking at her. "I've had enough trouble with titans and giants here. I don't need any more." Nemesis clicked her tongue unsatisfyingly.

"Tsk, tsk, Perseus. I am here for a good deal. I get you out of Tartarus, so I can feast on your revenge, all for a small price." She folded her hands diligently.

"Well..." He met the goddess' eyes and gasped. She was in the shape of Annabeth.

"My appearance is of the one you hate." She reminded him. "It is not always what you expect." Percy sucked in a breath. He could give all those gods of Olympus what they deserved...not to mention a certain child of Athena.

"I'll take the deal." He decided. "I need to get out of here, teach those filthy Olympians what they deserve." Nemesis/Annabeth smiled cruelly.

Very well, Perseus. A voice hissed through his mind. A small price, perhaps an eye? He felt a burning sensation in his left eye that could rival the River Phlegethon.

Nemesis held out an eyepatch. "Want this?" Percy cringed.

"And look like freaking Captain Hook? No thank you." Nemesis shrugged.

"Just saying." She said. "Come along now, don't you want to escape?" Percy nodded eagerly. She snapped her fingers, and darkness swallowed the rest of his vision, and when he could see again, he was at the entrance to the mortal world.

"This is where I leave you, Perseus." Nemesis' voice echoed through the red light. "Do those gods some good revenge. Also, might I remind you that Zeus will not be happy of your return?" Percy rolled his eyes.

"Nah, he's going to throw a whole welcome back party and celebrate with Camp Half-Hell." He snorted, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Nemesis either ignored him or didn't hear him as he slipped on the cloak Akhlys gave him.

"Interesting cloak, Perseus." Nemesis noted. "Why not get a new weapon with the package?" A sword nearly identical to Riptide appeared, made of Celestial Bronze. Without the symbols, of course. Half of it was a deadly Imperial Gold, glimmering with malice. Percy grinned at the perfectly balanced blade.

"Go and teach your enemies a lesson, Perseus." Nemesis growled, resentment tainting her voice.

"I will, Lady Nemesis." He vowed and stepped through the door. He trekked up the tunnel, feeling that he was going up.

"This better be worth it." He grumbled as he climbed the steep slope with his new sword in his hand, acting as a pickaxe. After about 20 minutes of climbing, the slope leveled off, and a faint light shone through the darkness. Percy ran to it, the light blinding him slightly.

"Beware, gods of Olympus, demigods of Camp Half-Blood." He warned the skies. "An old friend has arrived."

gods of olympus this sucked big time

probs going to edit latahh


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