CH 16

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Dawson arrives to practice later than usual, but still on time. Liliane didn't want to say she noticed his absence, but she did. It was like something was missing from her, but instead Dawson wasn't standing next to her.

"Hey, Liliane." Dawson smiles as he drops down a few things from his pockets. Liliane's smile grows as she starts to speak to the man before her.

"Bonjour, Dawson. Pourquoi n'étais-tu pas là quand je suis arrivé?" Liliane asks. She looks at Dawson for an answers and he just smiles shyly.

"The only words I got from that was hello, Dawson, I, and arrive." Dawson's cheeks flush in embarrassment. Liliane's eyes widen as she finally realizes she spoke fully in French.

"I'm sorry about that. It just came out." Liliane smiles. Dawson shrugs it off like he didn't just feel stupid for not knowing what she said.

"I asked you why you weren't here when I arrived." Liliane spoke. Dawson hums and nods.

"I was in my car playing on my phone."

Actually I was googling how to tell a girl I love her.

Liliane brushes it off because she knows how much Dawson loves to play on his phone. Sometimes she has to take it from him so he would actually pay attention to their conversation.


Dawson skates around the ice and eventually ends up right in front of Liliane. She looks at him with a raised eyebrow and he begins to speak.

"How do you say 'Me and my brother play hockey'?" Dawson asks. Liliane shakes her head at the mid-practice question.

"Mon frère et moi jouons au hockey." Liliane tells. Dawson nods and quietly repeats it to himself.

"What about 'I like being with my girlfriend'?" Dawson asks again. Liliane's cheeks flush at the statement, but she's quick to answer.

"J'aime être avec ma copine." Liliane says, her smile bright as she looks Dawson in the eyes.

"How do you say 'I love you'?" Dawson asks quieter, stepping, well, skating a little closer to Liliane. Her eyes widen as she takes in a sharp breath.

"Je t'aime." Liliane whispers. Dawson looks at her with the most in-love smile she's ever seen.

"Je t'aime, Liliane." Dawson says to her. Liliane feels like she's going to cry. It's finally happening and it feels unreal to her. To Dawson, a weight lifted of his shoulders. He's been waiting to tell her since Nico came over and talked to her about film. From then on, it's all he had been able to think about. Dawson loves Liliane more than anything and he could give you a million reasons why.

"Je t'aime, Dawson." Tears rimmed Liliane's eyes because of the overwhelming emotion and Dawson notices it right away, maybe before she does. He opens his arms and Liliane brings her hands to her chest and crashes into Dawson, letting him hold her. Tears fall from her eyes and Dawson can't help but whisper to her. Nico skates over, but doesn't ask what's wrong. He just motions to Liliane's crying.

"I told her I love her and she got emotional." Dawson's smile beams as he speaks. Nico's lips curl into a smile also. As he skates past Dawson he pats a hand on his shoulder in support.


"Je t'aime, Liliane." Dawson spoke again as they exit practice, tears staining Liliane's face. The rain pouring from above them is drenching them both as they walk, but neither of them cared enough to make a fuss.

Liliane smiles at Dawson despite her recent crying, a hand in his as she goes to walk another way than his. She doesn't let go until they're forced to because of how far apart they are.

"Je t'aime plus que tout." Liliane says as their hands disconnect. They stand there, waiting for one of them to walk away and leave. Liliane runs to Dawson and he opens his arms as she takes her first step to him. She leans her head up to his and presses her lips to his. Dawson's arms snake around her torso and hold her tightly.

He holds her as if he's never going to let go of her, as he's never going to let go of her heart.


"The rumor of the off-season is that Liliane Auclair is being traded again and this time to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim." Jeff Marek, from The Hockey News Podcast, states.

"Yeah, she's only played 4 seasons in the NHL and by the looks of it, she'll have played her fifth with her third team." Elliotte Friedman exclaims. Jeff makes a sound of agreement.

"I've never seen someone so young and talented being traded around like this. Do you think it's because of her now public relationship with Devils right wing, Dawson Mercer?" Jeff asks.

"That's exactly what I think it was. Maybe her injury at the beginning of the season is part of it, but it was extremely minor so it has to be the connection between the players. She was on the first line during her what, second game with the devils? There's no way they're trading her because of her skill." Elliotte states with lots of exaggeration.

"If I were Anahiem I'd be getting ready to welcome the new player. She's going to be a powerhouse on defense for that team. Her and Drysdale are going to carry this team to new heights together. They're finally going to have a talented defensive line and I wouldn't expect anything less than for them to use it to their full potential. The pacific division is going to have their hands full this season." Jeff says.

Liliane Auclair, the latest powerhouse of Anaheim.


Peu Importe la Distance (No Matter the Distance) coming very soon!

A/N: and we've completed this book! I'm so happy how this one turned out and I'm so excited to announce the second book! Liliane's in Anaheim now!

Je T'aime | D. MercerWhere stories live. Discover now