CH 10

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Dawson knocked on Liliane's door 2 hours before he was supposed to be there. He wasn't let it until he knocked a second time... 10 minutes later. Liliane seemed frantic when she opened the door, like someone else was going to be standing on the other side of the door that wasn't Dawson. But, that's what he didn't know.

"Hey, Dawson." Liliane smiled with wide eyes. Dawson smiled back, letting himself into the apartment. Liliane took a deep breath before closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Dawson asked, noticing the change of mood in the girl since the loss yesterday. Liliane shrugged.

"I could be better. I was up all night watching film by myself. Well, until Nico came over at 2am to tell me to go to sleep. He's coming over later by the way. He's reviewing notes I took about my playing." Liliane talked faster than usual, hinting to Dawson that she didn't want to talk about last night... or this morning.

"Liliane, you got home at like... 9 last night. How long were you watching film?" Dawson asked with furrowed brows. Liliane shrugged.

"A little over 6 hours. I went to bed after Nico came over. I didn't sleep much, but I'll be okay." Liliane said. Dawson's frown didn't wipe off of his face as he walked over to Liliane, brushing his hand against her cheek.

"You can't do that to yourself. Jack did this his rookie year and he wasn't okay. I don't need that happening to you." Dawson said. Liliane nodded as she gazed into his eyes.

Jack's an All Star player and a franchise record setter.

Clearly, neither Dawson or Nico could read her, just as Pierre couldn't when she first showed up to Montréal. They wouldn't know what she was thinking, how she thought they were wrong.

"Can we watch Montréal's game from yesterday?" Liliane asked Dawson nodded, his frown changing into a smile in a matter of seconds.


"Hey, Cap." Dawson said as Liliane let Nico through the door. He smiled at his player before making himself comfortable on the couch with Liliane's notes on the coffee table before him. He huffed as he read over them again. Liliane's smile didn't return as she sat down next to Dawson, the game ready on her computer.

"To fix your warm-up problem, I recommend having an alternating order of things so you're not just running through the motions. Liliane nodded. Dawson sat listening.

"Your first shift will always be the toughest, but you seemed confident out there yesterday. I'd just work on body placement when the puck is in different places." Liliane sighed.

"Right there, when they got the puck by my block." Liliane has Nico pause the game.

"I'm not big enough to block how I did, but I don't know any other ways to do it. What do you think I should do?" Liliane asked. Nico thought for a moment before responding. During that moment of silence, Liliane felt Dawson's hand slide around her waist. Nico notices the movement, but quickly looks away.

"Just stand there. Don't get on one knee because it won't do anything for you." Nico shares. Liliane nods. Dawson starts toying with the end of her shirt with his fingers. Liliane looks back at him. Her eyes didn't want to pull away from the beauty in front of her. Dawson was leaned back into the couch, his hair puffier than usual because of his head against the couch, a small smile on his face, and his legs spread apart. Liliane just wanted to lean in and kiss him right there, but she couldn't, not with their captain sitting only a couple feet away. It was unprofessional.

Their relationship seemed unprofessional. Liliane jumped at the chance to date Dawson without a second thought. What if their feelings get too intertwined with hockey? What then? Liliane looked away from Dawson. She felt his hand move from the outside of her shirt to the inside, his hand rubbing her warm skin.

"And right her-" Nico's phone rang. He answered quickly, his eyes shining as he began to speak.

Something about Nico is he loves to be in the role of captain. He likes having control and superiority, so when Lindy calls him he wants to answer and put his role back into action.

"Hello?" Liliane's attention turned back to the boy sitting next to her. When she looked back at him his head was tilted to the side. Liliane moved backwards on the couch to rest against the back of it.

"Having fun?" Liliane whispered. Dawson's smile never faded as he looked at her.

"Not really. I'd rather be in your room taking the longest nap ever, but if I walked in there Nico would question it." Dawson whispered back. Liliane gave him a look.

"If Nico were to question something, it would probably be the way you're feeling up the side of my torso." Liliane whispered with a grin. Dawson nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Nico said before he hung up the phone, making Liliane sit back up on the edge of her seat.

"I need to go meet with Lindy." Nico sighed. He stood from his seat and Liliane stood too, Dawson's hand falling back to his side.

"Thank you." Liliane said. Nico nodded.

"No problem, but next time, don't stay up all night. It's not good for you and you need to be able to focus at practice." Nico said as he walked away from the couch and to the door, Liliane following behind him.

"I won't." Liliane smiled as Nico opened the front door and walks out. Liliane closed the door behind him and takes a deep breath. She walks back to Dawson and falls into his open arms. Liliane looks at Dawson for a second before closing the space between them and kissing him. Dawson kisses back, his hands wrapping tighter around her waist.

"Do you still want to take a nap?" Liliane asked. Dawson thinks for a moment.

"Are you going to take one with me or am I going to be alone?" Dawson asked in response to Liliane's question.

"I'll be with you." Liliane said as she gazed into Dawson's eyes. He nodded and Liliane got off of him and walked into her bedroom. She came back with, what Dawson seems to think, her favorite blanket. It was a Montréal Canadiens blanket with her and Pierre on the front. It seems like it was custom made, probably a funny joke between the two of them.

Liliane laid down on the couch than held her hands out to Dawson, who climbed his way over and laid his head on her collarbone, his forehead meeting the side of her neck. Liliane threw the blanket over them and Dawson shifted so his arms were kind of around Liliane's torso. His eyes closed quickly, but Liliane couldn't seem to get to sleep. Sure, she was tired from the 4 hours of sleep, but it was too bright, to warm. She wasn't going to tell Dawson to move so she just draped an arm over her eyes to block out the light.

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