Chapter 4 - A Wishful Ending

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"Is he okay?"

"I don't know, he must've taken a hard hit back there!" 

"Aladdin! Aladdin!"

"Wake up, my boy!" 

"Alright, stand back, fellas! I'm gonna perform some CPR!"


"What... Where...?", Aladdin suddenly said as he slowly awoke. He heard several muffled voices speaking. When he opened his eyes, he was briefly blinded by the bright, shining sun. He looked around, seeing that he was on one of the balconies of the Sultan's palace. He then saw a sight that made him happier than ever. "Abu! Genie! Jasmine! You're all okay!", he exclaimed. 

"Whoa there, Al! What do you mean 'We're okay'?" Genie, unaware of what had been happening to Aladdin, replied. "I think he might've had a bad dream or something.", Jasmine spoke, trying to offer some kind of explanation. "It seemed like it.", Aladdin said, standing to his feet, "But it didn't feel like one." 

"The last thing I remember was that I was fighting Jafar. Then I was in some strange void, and--"

"Whatever it was, it wasn't real, Al.", Genie reassured him. "Don't worry about it now." Aladdin stopped, sighing in relief. "Thanks, guys." Aladdin said, happy that their troubles were over. He then remembered something. "Wait, what even happened to Jafar, speaking of him?", the street rat asked.  "Eh, ten-thousand years in the Cave of Wonders ought to chill him out.", Genie told him. 

Aladdin was relieved to know that Jafar wouldn't be causing any more trouble, but then he remembered what led up to this point, and why Jafar even took over the palace in the first place. "Jasmine...", Aladdin began, sighing, "I'm sorry I lied to you about being a prince...", he somberly said, holding hands with her. Jasmine looked away for a moment, then back towards Aladdin. "I know why you did.", Jasmine said, meeting his gaze, "It wasn't your fault..." 

"Well, I guess this... is goodbye--?", Aladdin said, starting to turn away before Jasmine quickly intervened. Of course, Abu looked pretty sad as he witnessed this scene unfold. He might've been a small monkey, but he was smart enough to where he could understand what humans were saying. "Oh, that stupid law!", Jasmine ranted, "This isn't fair! But... I love you anyway.", she told him. "You did so many good things for me. For all of us."

"Al, no problem. You've still got one wish left. Just say the words, and you're a prince again!", Genie said as he sniffled, wiping a tear away. "But, Genie... what about your freedom?", Aladdin asked. "Hey, it's only an eternity of servitude. This is love!", Genie replied as he pushed Aladdin and Jasmine together. "Al, you're not gonna find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I've looked." 

"Jasmine, I do love you.", Aladdin told Jasmine as he turned to her, still feeling bad, "But I've gotta stop pretending to be something I'm not." She took his hands once more. "I understand." Jasmine replied. Aladdin remained silent for a short while, but then turned to the Genie, having decided what his third wish would ultimately be. "Genie, my third and final wish is for... your freedom.", he declared to the being. "One bona fide prince pedigree coming up. I- What?", Genie said before realizing what Aladdin just said. The one wish he dreamed of.

"Genie, you're free!", Aladdin repeated as he held the lamp up to the being. As soon as he said his final wish, Genie looked at his arms and saw his wrist shackles vanish in a flurry of purple light, and he gained a pair of legs! Everyone looked in awe as this happened. "Wow. I'm free... I'M FREE!", Genie exclaimed as he grabbed the lamp he used to reside in, before looking at Aladdin. "Quick, quick! Wish for something outrageous.", Genie said. "Say 'I- I want the Nile.' Wish for the Nile. Try that!"

"Uhhh... I wish for the Nile...?", Aladdin said as he hesitated, feeling slightly awkward. "No way!", Genie said as he laughed before beaming out of joy, bouncing around the balcony like a pinball. "Oh, does that feel good! I'm free! I'm free at last! I'm hittin' the road, I'm off to see the world!" he said while shaking the hands of the Magic Carpet, Abu, and Aladdin and Jasmine before packing a suitcase before looking back at Aladdin on the balcony. After all, Aladdin was the best friend that the Genie could have asked for in a million years.

"Gosh, Genie, I'm sure gonna miss you.", Aladdin said. "Me too, Al. No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me.", Genie said as he sniffed tearfully, before he and Aladdin gave each other a hug. "That's right! You've certainly proven your worth as far as I'm concerned. It's that law that's the problem.", the Sultan said as he showed up on the balcony, looking pretty cheerful.

"Father?", Jasmine asked as she looked behind her. She was glad that her father was alive and well from the tyranny of Jafar. "Well, am I Sultan or am I Sultan? From this day forth, the Princess shall marry whomever she deems worthy.", the Sultan declared.

"Thank you, father!", Jasmine happily said. "Him! I choose you, Aladdin!", she said, running over to the former street rat and putting her hands on his shoulders. "Heh-heh, call me Al.", Aladdin said to Jasmine in a lovely tone. "Oh, this is wonderful! All of you, come over here, let's have a big group hug! Group hug!", the Genie said, wearing a yellow T-shirt and a Goofy cap with golf clubs holstered on his back. He grabbed Aladdin, Jasmine, her tiger pet Rajah, the Sultan, Abu, and the Magic Carpet. "Mind if I kiss the monkey?", he asked before kissing Abu on the back of the head, coughing a tuft of his fur out seconds later. "Ough, hairball!", Genie retched. 

"Man, I'm gonna miss y'all since I can't do any more damage around this popsicle stand. But enough of that, I'm outta here!" He then flew up in the air like a firework, filled with excitement. "Bye bye, you two crazy lovebirds! Look out, world! Here I come!", he yelled as he went flying. He continued on, saying "Hey, Rugby, ciao!", to the Magic Carpet, "I'm history! No, I'm mythology! Nah, I don't care what I am, I'm freeeee---!!" Aladdin and Jasmine would kiss each other, getting to live happily ever after at long last in a whole new world, a whole new life for the two of them...


Later that evening, massive celebrations took place throughout the town, for their princess had found her rightful soulmate after so long. There were parades of palace guards, dancers, and musicians going around as fireworks and confetti were abundant. Aladdin and Jasmine flew above it all on the Magic Carpet, enjoying what was to be the best night of their lives. 

But not everyone was fond of the ceremony...

On a cliff overlooking the town of Agrabah stood the Peddler and Respiro. Both of them looked at Aladdin with contempt after the latter failed to gain control of his body. "Grah! That street rat threw off my plans!", Respiro shouted in frustration. "Do not worry, master. We have yet to be finished.", the Peddler replied. "Right. We'll let them celebrate for now..." said Respiro. "And when they're vulnerable, we strike back!", he declared.

"If we stir up too much trouble here, we could spark a rebellion.", the Peddler reasoned, "With your power lowered, this is not an option.", he followed. "Then what do you suggest we do?", Respiro asked, "If we lay low for too long, we still risk being discovered."

"We must travel to another dimension to seek out a new host for you.", the Peddler finally answered. "Another dimension, you say?", Respiro asked, intrigued. "Indeed.", the Peddler confirmed, "I have read numerous scriptures and heard from word of mouth that our world is far from the only one in this universe. If we are successful in taking over another, then we shall return to this one and dominate it with your newfound armada." 

"Excellent plan, my servant!", Respiro said in approval. "I knew you would be fond of the idea.", the Peddler said. Soon after, the Peddler and Respiro combined their magic to open a portal. They both entered, traveling to wherever it would take them... 


The .EXE Saga Vol. 1 - AWHOLENEWWORLD.EXE (Aladdin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant