Chapter 3 - Actions and Fates

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The street rat continued through the black void until he found himself in the Sultan's palace. To his surprise, it looked completely normal, as if Jafar never took over. "The palace...", Aladdin thought, "...How did I get here? What is this? Is this Jafar's doing, too?" Aladdin dreaded what he would see here. If the marketplace was littered with bodies, Aladdin wasn't going to be fooled into thinking the palace would be any safer. Another figure stepped out of the darkness ahead of him-- Princess Jasmine. Aladdin gasped. "Jasmine!", he exclaimed, feeling somewhat relieved. Something was off, however. She just stared at him, almost as if she'd seen a ghost. Furthermore, she was wearing the same attire from when Jafar took over the palace. 

"Jasmine...?", Aladdin called out. Again, no response. "Jasmine, what's wrong?", he asked in confusion, approaching her. Suddenly, her eyes looked just like the ones he'd seen on Jafarnie-- black and red with blood pooling beneath them --before she shoved him back with an unnatural strength. Aladdin yelped as he landed on the seat of his pants, sliding backward as he dropped his sword.  "Ack... Jasmine, why did you--?", Aladdin was going to ask when he noticed the change on her face, causing him to reel back in horror. 

"She is my servant now...", the same voice from the marketplace replied. At this point, Aladdin began to suspect that it wasn't Jafar who was behind all this. Sure, he had the ability to hypnotize others with his scepter, even before he was granted immense power from the Genie, but not to this degree. "Who are you? Why are you doing this to my friends?!", Aladdin demanded. "Your inner mind is slowly falling to me...", the voice replied. Aladdin, unsure of what to make of this, asked, "What's that supposed to mean?" There was no further response from the mysterious voice. 

Aladdin turned back to the demonized Jasmine-- dubbed Jasmine.EXE, who was staring emotionlessly at him with her soulless, bleeding eyes. They locked eyes for a few seconds before she spoke in a ghoulish mockery of her voice, "If it isn't 'Prince Ali', or worse yet, Aladdin..." The street rat didn't know what to say. Jasmine.EXE continued speaking. "Surprised to me as more than just a prize to be won by a man whom I despise?"

"What do you mean?", Aladdin asked, "What's going on here?" Jasmine.EXE replied, "Filth like you are not welcome in the master's presence." Aladdin was even more confused now. "Master? Who is this 'master'?" Jasmine.EXE told him, "He is the one who will perfect our ways, perfect our world, perfect us." She and Aladdin maintained eye contact as she continued to speak. Aladdin was slowly leaning down to grab his sword. "But you... You are not perfected yet.", Jasmine.EXE continued, "Don't worry, though...", she said as she summoned a sword of her own, catching it. 

"...I'll see to it that you are!" 

Jasmine.EXE then charged at Aladdin, raising her sword. Aladdin quickly dove to the left, grabbing his sword and rolling on the ground as Jasmine.EXE skidded to a halt before running at him again. The street rat had barely enough time to react as the demonized princess swung her blade downward. Aladdin blocked her attack before landing a stab on her lower body. Blood spewed from her wound before she disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Aladdin stood up, clutching his sword as he looked around the room. 

Jasmine.EXE reappeared, charging towards Aladdin once again. Aladdin was caught off guard when Jasmine.EXE slashed his upper right arm, causing him to bleed. The street rat yelped in pain before jumping and ducking to avoid the demonized princess's attacks. "Who do you think you are to defy the will of royalty?!", Jasmine.EXE asked, "You, street rat, are nothing before us!" Aladdin wasn't going to be fooled into believing this was Jasmine. He knew better than to assume she would say something like that, given the partnership they'd formed before Jafar's offensive. 

The .EXE Saga Vol. 1 - AWHOLENEWWORLD.EXE (Aladdin)Where stories live. Discover now