Telling the potter family

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Chapter 3

"Albus, what is this about?"...Fleamont asked his with a look of worry Dumbledore let out a deep sigh before quickly straining himself "Fleamont I don't really know the best way to say this is their somewhere we could sit and talk and it might be best if James isn't here for this I'm afraid it's quite a difficult situation and some of this information needs to be kept secret " he looked towards Fleamont with his most serious expression hoping he would understand,  after a brief pause Fleamont nodded and turning to his son "James its probably best you head upstairs ill get a house elf to fetch you when we are done, Albus we will talk in my office its warded so the conversation will be between us only" Dumbledore just nodded and followed him and his wife out.

Once they where all sat their was a tense silence non of them wanting to be the first to speak think it was best he just get this over with he looked up at Fleamont and then to Euphemia, taking a deep breath in to collect himself he started to speak " I have no doubt James told you of the events that happened 5 weeks ago at the last Quidditch match?" He askes looking to each of them when they both nod signaling him to continue " well the girl has been in St mungos in what we believe to be a magical coma for the past 5 weeks we have been waiting for family to turn up or for her to wake up when she did neither, it was agreed we do the basic DNA test to atleast get her name and age...." before he could continue Euphemia let out a gasp clearly understanding why he was here, Fleamont however looked a little confused but before he could say anything Euphemia had turned her attention to him and began hitting him " HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME" " Awww wtf I haven't done anything what the hell woman!" Albus quickly realising his mistake began to talk again " Euphemia! I don't believe it is his child!! " with that she quickly turned to him if he was anyone else he would have flinched back at the cold stare "DON'T LIE TO ME ALBUS HE AND JAMES ARE THE LAST POTTER LINE HAVE BEEN FOR 13 YEARS!!!!" Albus slowly raised his hands "I know that it what I thought to however if you will please just listen so I can explain" it took a few moments but she slowly sat back down after a few more deep breaths she nodded for him to continue.

"No,  as I was saying the test came bac,  her name is Eliza Potter. Shee is 15 and a half-blood..." Fleamont seemed to have gone into sho. k Albus watched as his face flicked through emotions until he eyes popped wide . "Charles.." he breathed out. Dumbledore nodded." I believe so . He knew Voldomort was after him, and that's why he went into hiding ... I believe that's also why he never told anyone from our world about her to help protect her... though I'm not sure it worked...." he let that sink in for awhile looking over at the couple he could see the look of shock on their faces it was Euphemia who spo.e " What do you mean you'reur not sure it worked.. " Always quick to catch on suppose that would be the slytherin in her , again he sighed before looking up at her." Now, this is the more complicated part... we ain't sure how this girl is alive, by all mean she should be dead... long before now, in fact ..." Fleamont stood up and began pacing."What do u mean? " he asked in a low voice, clearly still trying to wrap his mind around having a niece and now finding out she should be dead... he  decided it would be best to just show them her result . Taking the parchment out of his pocket, he handed it to Fleamont first, who grabbed it and sat down next to his wife.

It had been 10 minutes since he had given them the parchment during which he saw the horror and sadness pass other both faces Euphemia was sobbing by the end even Fleamont had tears in his eyes deciding he needed to move this along so they could have time to process he decided to brake the tension " now I know this is alot to process and I don't have any answers but as you can see this girl is special... she has survived not 1 but 2 killing curses and has clearly been through a lot , as you are her relatives you will be allowed to see her and hopefully once she wakes if you are up to it take her in? " it wasn't even a second before both of them shouted,  yes! " we will take her in if she wakes god knows she needs support ... as for the whole killing curse thin.. I'm guessing that's what you want remaining secret. " " Yes, we don't know if they knew she survived.. well, at least the second one , though we have no clue where she has been .. but we want to keep this all quite , the ministry have already come up with a back story saying he accidentel magic managed to get her away since their was a known death eater raid on the day she appeared they haven't realised this yet as they are waiting for her to wake up if she still hasn't in 2 more weeks they will release it anyways since there has been rumours about her sudden appearance"
Fleamont nodded. " That should work... when can we see her?" He asked already standing up like he was ready to run to St mungos Dumbledore couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips shacking his head in amusement he smiled at Fleamont " well due to what the girl has been through and as soon as it was discovered about the killing curse she has been placed in the warded room so I'm afraid you will both have to go through a health check first to help keep up the pretence, all 5 healers have all sworn a vow to not talk to anyone outside the few who know again this is fo4 her protection if you are both happy to do that I can tell them to expect you tomorrow for your tests then once they are back I'm sure you will be allowed to visit and again James will need one aswell of you plan on taking him" with that Dumbledore stood and excused himself leaving the family to think everything over while he went and got the paperwork for their visit ready and inform the healers to expect all 3 of them tomorrow because he was sure James was definitely going to go with them, with a small smile on his face at the thought he pinched the floo powder and was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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