A Potter?

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Chapter 2

It had been 5 weeks since the mysterious girl appeared at hogwarts and Alistair still had no idea what to make of the situation he had arrived just in time to see the girl been taken to St mungos he decided it best to follow them for now to make sure whoever did this to the girl didn't have a way to track her and he would also be able to hopefully match any magical signature still left on the girl and that is where everything just stopped making sense the most baffling and unbelievable thing the healers and he himself discovered was the fact the girl had been hit with the killing curse and somehow was alive and if that's not the only unbelievable thing noo because the mark that was right in the centre of the girls chest that oozed with the killing curse magical signature...perfectly matched a scar on her forehead meaning for both marks to be the same...but surely suviving 1 killing curse was a miracle yet every conclusion made by him and the healers suggested otherwise... and that left him stumped well that and the fact that the magical signature radiating from the girl belonged to none other than the bloody dark lord!!! Of course all of the healers had made a vow to not leak this information to anyone outside of the room , since they didnt know the full story and since they didnt want the dark lords attention all 5 healers agreed and vowed straight away they didnt even make notes on anything to do with the scars made by the killing curse , So here Alistair sat beside the girl who for all intensive purposes should be dead but was very much alive and recovering ... well, she was in a coma, but since nobody had ever survived the killing curse before the healers had no idea if she would wake.

Since it had been 5 weeks and the girl had not awakened the healers agreed to do a blood tests tho only the blood test that would show name and age and even this normally this wouldn't be done without the patients consent however the head of St mungos had agreed and given permission to do the test if the girl had not awoken after 4 weeks , tho it took them anouther week to get the paperwork sorted with the ministry since they had to be discreet about it all, now in the room surrounding the sleeping girl stood Alister Moody , 2 of the 5 doctors assigned to the girl and Dumbledore who was only their as a secondary witness since he was present and knew about the killing curses since she appeared at Hogwarts and he needed to know if the school would be in danger.

The healers curfully pricked the girls finger before pushing it into the parchment and healing her small wound , quickly putting 3 drops of the DNA poition onto the blood they waited while the wrighting slowly appeared.... Eliza Potter age 15 half-blood, A potter? Dumbledore couldn't believe it he thought the rest of the Potters had been killed in the wa... About  13 years ago ... ohh dea,  this poor girl.. he has seen her medical records he known how much this girl has suffered this really is going to hurt her remaining family members he remember how much Fleamont and his wife Euphemia potter searched for his brother when they heard the dark lord was after him ... though he doesn't think they knew of the girl since she is half blood it is possible his brother kept her and her mother hidden for now all he can do is be their for for the family it's a good job school term ended 2 weeks ago they will all be at the Manor and since he knows them well he will be the one to deliver this news... he decides its best they hear this information in person so he makes a quick floo call to ask before he just turns up, James is the one who answers "Headmaster is everything all right, did I leave something at the school?" Dumbledore can't help the little chuckle that escapes him " No James you didn't but this is a very important matter if your mother and father here I'm afaird this needs to be spoken about in person am i okay to come through" now James really did worry quickly nodding his head to the Headmaster telling him to come through while he runs and gets his parents,  in less then 5 minutes Dumbledore is stood facing 3 nervous looking Potters... "Albus, what is this about?"...

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