She looked through the peep hole before rolling her eyes and tilting her head to Georgina.

"It's them isn't it?"

"Unfortunately," Sadie answered, "can we just lock them out forever?"


heard that

let us in pls

no 😚😚

Pweaseee 🥺🥺🥺

just for that

absolutely fuck no

yk what

that's fair

well just be here



"Sads, we can't just leave them out there," Georgina laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Yes, we can," she said, clambering back in the bed, "watch me."

"Okayyy," Georgina said in a sing-song voice.

The girls directed their attention back to the game, ignoring their three co-stars sitting outside the hotel room.

"Fuck, it's 3-1," Sadie exclaimed.

"Oh shit yeh, how did we miss that?" Georgina replied once seeing the score.

"So when you going to a game then?" the redhead questioned, "like properly, not hidden in the stands."

"Can you guys let us, it's getting really boring out here," the girls heard a quiet voice from outside that they instantly recognized as Caleb, which just made them burst out into laughter.

This time, Georgina took her turn to clamber across the room, eyes still squinting together. She opened the door allowing the three boys the wonder in.

"Jesus, finally," Finn said once entering the room.

"Thought we were going to die out there," Gaten added.

"Die? You lot are so dramatic," Georgina rolled her eyes theatrically.

"Yeh Gi, you never know; boredom, starvation, wild snakes, rabid rats, you just never know," Caleb shrugged and fell back on the bed which made Sadie groan.

"Yeh, we were planning whose thumb to sacrifice first," Finn added.

"Okay, can you all shut up?" Sadie interrupted, "giving me a headache now."

"I second that," Georgina agreed.

"Wow, so glad that we graced you with our presence," Caleb sarcastically remarked.

"Yeh thanks for that, we really, truly appreciate it," Sadie follows through.

"Anyways... Gi, how's the game going?" he continued, nodding his head towards the laptop.

"Good until you lot got here," she answered, acknowledging the fact it was now 3-2, but Dortmund were still winning.

"Is your our boyfriend having a good game?" Gaten asked.

"Oh shut up," Georgina said over Sadie's snickering, "and you."

"I haven't seen him in ages," she explained, "and won't do until Spain."

"Why doesn't he just come here, this is his last game for a while right?" Caleb asks.

"Yeh, but he's going home to see his family for a bit, that's why he's only coming to Spain."

"How you gonna manage a long distance thing?" Sadie asks.

"I'm not sure, that's my concern," Georgina answers, that's the one thought she'd been trying to avoid. The one thing she's not sure how they're going to work around it.

AN: last few chapters have been boring af sorry 😭
promise the next few chapters will be good! ....hopefully

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