The New Her

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During the Thanksgiving break Cory decided to do drastic changes.

For instance, get her eyebrows done for the first time.

Now she didn't have her unibrow.

Secondly, she stopped wearing all black.

Now she wears all the colors and dresses more.

Thirdly, she didn't wear makeup at all only on special occasions.

Now she wears minimum makeup.

Fourth, she didn't do her hair.

Now she experiments with different hairstyles.

She also decided to go back to her normal routines and try to succeed and maybe even have a bitch attitude.

She decided to apologize to Cayden and ask him for another chance.

This Thanksgiving Sophie and her family didn't came over.

Cory was happy about it although, the rest of her family came over.

Cory still couldn't remember everything that happened that terrible night.

Only pieces.....

She had this urge of beating the shit out of Sophie.

Cory had school tomorrow.

Her first class was math.

She began class at 10:45.

Cory woke up at 5:45 to get ready for school.

She went to the bathroom and did her morning routine.

Minutes later she emerge from the bathroom.

She did her makeup first then her hair and lastly her outfit.

A pink high-low button down shirt with leather black jeans and black boots.

Cory checked her watch and it read 7:25.

She decided to go to the kitchen and grab breakfast.

Thirteen minutest later Cory got up and washed her dishes.

Cory wasted time by reviewing her notes and using her cellphone.

Mom I'm leaving to school said Cory calmly standing inside her mom's room.

Okay, Cory, when you arrive at school let me know and when you're on your way back home said Cory's mom surprised.

Okay mom said Cory leaning in and hugging her mom.

Bye mom said Cory before leaving.

Have a nice day Cory said Cory's mom.

Bye Ally and Shelby yelled Cory before closing her apartment door.

Cory walked to the train station and 10 minutes later the train arrived.

Cory found a seat and took out her book and started reading.

Minutes later she got off at her stop.

Cory continue to walk to the school.

When she arrived she had 17 minutes to spare.

Good morning Mr.Donovan said Cory smiling.

Good morning reply Cayden surprised by Cory.

Cayden unlocked his classroom and let Cory go in first.

After you said Cayden.

May I talk to you said Cory.

Cayden looked up to Cory.

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