That is where Dahyun comes into the picture. She was the only kid willing to be friends with us. It obviously led to her getting bullied as well, but she still wanted to be friends with us. Even when Momo and I told her that it would be for her own good to stay away from us, Dahyun went outside and screamed at the top of her lungs that the three of us are best friends. At the time, I found it kind of weird, but it eventually became an endearing memory that really solidified our friendship, and I think was the turning point for Momo's heart.

It wasn't until we were all in high school did I notice the strange tension between Momo and Dahyun. When I was alone with either of them, they were all happy and cheery. They would immediately go quiet and become reserved when the other joined us. I knew right then and there that they were 100 percent without a doubt in the world in love with each other.

I was so happy when I was able to confirm their feelings after cornering each of them individually and basically forced the confession out of them. This was not only because I was ecstatic that my two best friends were in love with each other, but it was my opportunity to be a Cupid. I wish I could say I had some grandiose ploy where I convinced one of them that the other was moving halfway around the world and set up an airport confession, or that one of them was going on a date with a stranger and set up a confession on a cold night; but it ended up just me encouraging Dahyun to convince her feelings to Momo on Momo and my last day of high school. They have been a couple ever since.

"Yes?" I asked Dahyun who had called out to me.

"Are you okay? You have been spacing out ever since we sat down," Dahyun questioned me in Japanese.

I was really impressed that Dahyun learnt to speak Japanese when we were still kids. She told Momo and me that she wanted to connect with us on a deeper level. I am not really sure where or how she learnt it, but she became fluent even though she only spoke to us as far as I am aware. We often spoke in Japanese when we wanted to be a bit more secretive or serious.

"Did something happen at work?" Momo questioned from beside Dahyun.

I let out a sigh as I recapped what happened today. I don't hide much from them, but I omitted certain details that would put Tzuyu in a super bad light or I would consider private. I had to include the yelling part as the story wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Dahyun let out a sigh as she shook her head disapprovingly, "Why do you even like your boss, Tzuyu, anyways?"

"Doesn't she remind you of your father?" Momo added on.

My father is a sore point for me. He was an alcoholic who caused a lot of problems for my family when we were still in Japan. One of the main reasons I even ended up in South Korea was because of Momo's parents helping my mom and me escape my father. My mom struggled a lot when we first arrived, and we really only survived thanks to Momo's parents' support. Needless to say, I owe a lot to them.

To this day I still have heavy resentment for my father. That piece of shit could go rot in hell for all I care. Although he never beat my mother, or me for that matter, he was still very much abusive. He would constantly yell and throw things around the house. He would blame my mom for everything going wrong in his life and that he should never have had me.

My mom tried her best to amend the situation with my father to no avail. She would constantly be crying and crying: day in, day out. It enraged my younger self and even me today to have seen my mother go through all of that and being so powerless to do anything about it. I promised myself that I would never end up with someone like my father: a useless, deadbeat, scum, piece of shit.

I don't know what happened to my father after we left him. I don't even know if he is still alive. I hope I never find out. However, if he does show up, I will unleash all my pent-up anger towards him. I will tell him that he can go crawl in a hole and di—

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