Sav couldn't keep her hands off of me, in spite of the other women around us and out of her pure attraction. She kissed me occasionally, making sure not to delve into complete PDA since we were in public. In the car though, it was something different- the war of dominance began again.

Sav yanked my head towards her and kissed me desperately. We made out for at least a good 10 minutes until a car next to us honked a horn. That's when we realized that our windows weren't as tinted as we thought they were.

We had sex that night. Good old hot, slutty, sex. I owned Sav that night too, despite me being her bitch the past couple of days. She usually rode me until we were both finished, but that night I fucked her senseless, just like I've been wanting to since I first met her. Her parents were out on a date that night, so we had the house to ourselves which made it even better.

I fucked her on the living room couch first, since we were so horny. Then we moved to her room, and fucked in every position I thought of (excluding her riding me, of course). She looked so beautiful when her face was twisted in pleasure, and the fact that I was giving her that pleasure made me even more elated.

I smacked her ass and left hickies everywhere I could. Her neck and collarbone was covered in discolored bruises, and her ass was flaming red. I made sure to mark her up as much a I could, especially since we were going to be around her high school friends, and especially that Ryan kid the next day. She was worn out afterwards, but I cuddled her after she regained a bit of strength.

I truly loved Savannah. As each day passed, I really wondered what my life would be like without her. What would I be doing now? Fucking some slut at a club that sucked me off, just so she could say that she did it? Taking shots with people who wanted to, just to say they did it with me?

Everyone wanted me because of my reputation. They wanted to take pictures with me, take shots and get drunk and what not because I was some ""attractive hockey player"". There's more to me than the reputation that I worked so hard to achieve, and when Sav saw past it, it meant the world to me.

Sav seemed a bit hard to get to know at first, which lured me in even more. Every chance I had to talk to her, I pounced at it. Getting her stuff out of her dorm? Ed didn't really want me prying around into her information, but I begged him. He knew how I felt about her, so he gave me the go ahead, thankfully.

Every time I made a move on Sav when I first met her, I regretted it instantly. I needed her, and I wanted to know her a lot faster than she was opening up to me. She was so alluring and captivating, so how the fuck did I find it right to fuck some a girl other than her? Maybe it was because I wasn't used to a girl not wanting to ride me as soon as I spoke two words to her. Maybe it was because I was shitfaced drunk, and I was using my dick as my eyesight. Or maybe I was just a complete douche.

Nonetheless, I couldn't stress it enough- I loved Sav. I adored her, I admired her, I was obsessed with her. But most of all?

I really think I wanted to marry her.

Yes, I'm 23 and still have a bachelor life-like paradise ahead of me for a while. But what's the point of holding on to it when I'm so deeply involved with Savannah? What's the point if she was so head over heels for me? What's the point if we were so head over heels for each other?

I talked to her Dad about it while she got ready for the baseball game. He stared at me and gave me a solemn face.

"You know once you slide a ring on that girl's finger, you can't give her back. She's yours forever." Alex said in a low voice.

I gave him a slight smile. "Not to be sarcastic sir, but um, that's kind of what I wanted."

He took a long gulp of his beer for obvious reasons, before responding. "This is Savannah, we're talking about. You sure you want to live the rest of your life with her?"

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