65. - A Man Laid with a Curse.

Start from the beginning

Rare Skills •
[Fractured], [Magic Nullification Barrier],
[Magic Resistance], [Crimson Lightning],
[Heat Regulation], [Dark Destiny]

Epic Skills •
[Venom Control], [Overworld Detection],
[Holy Magic Nullification],
[Greater Physical Resistance], [Undetectable], [Abyss Magic]

Individual Skills •
[Devourer], [Shadow Manipulation],
[Serpents Wrath], [Vitriolic Befall],
[Darkness's Will]

Legendary Skills •
[Warlock], [Jester], [Essence Lord]

Arc Skills •
[Ifrit {Lord of Flames}], [Odale {Prince of Fire}],
[Ancient One {Harbinger of Knowledge}](3),

And of course! The whole status window got yet another change to how it looks...
How great.

Although, this one looks much.. cleaner than the last change. Gotta say, I definitely prefer this one over the last one.

I have to say- Your stats grow quite fast compared to other monsters.

'Yeah, well, I used to hate it - but god damnit, I don't care anymore. I've just accepted my strength.'
('Bout fucking time.)

I see..
Well, I can certainly say that whatever may come to face us in the near future, probably won't even come close to comparing to you my Dear Master.

Ancient One, you're not a smooth talker.
Just stop trying.

I wasn't trying—

A N Y W A Y S -
Moving onto more important business, I was still inside the Hidden Dungeon that I got transported into after Jio pushed me.
I may have gone through an evolution, but it didn't mean that I was out of the dungeon yet.

So, I quickly used [Jester] to switch back to my human appearance, throwing a quick look at how it may have changed in the process.
My patterns simply turned darker and my hair grew out a bit longer.

Huh, not a big change.

After that, I proceeded to head over to the final tunnel, which I assumed to lead down to the final room of this dungeon - the Boss room.
And after a deep breath, I began my descent down into the final room.


       Eventually, I reached the end of the tunnel, and just as I had assumed - it indeed was the final room. It was the largest one yet, it didn't have any tunnels leading any deeper and... It looked very, very different from all the other rooms.

While all other rooms looked more towards the style of 'Undead' and 'grim', this room was strangely... Covered in snow.
There was snow everywhere and it genuinely looked like I was outside, especially with the naked trees which were usually only during winter.

'Have to say, it's a bit chilly-'

I'll activate [Heat Regulation] immediately to help you keep a balanced temperature.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now