Chapter #36

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It's Christmas break now, and I can't be more happy to be with Norman, he's been nothing but perfect to me, and I've been the same for him, it's the one thing I don't doubt. Norman makes sure to remind me how perfect I am, we are. I sit on the couch while Norman, Cislo, and Zazie (aka the stronger guys) put up the tree. Some of the younger kids have an allergy to ever green/pine trees so we decided to get a fake one. All of the guys argue over what piece goes where, I chuckle as Ray watches in disappointment. He wasn't certified "strong enough" so he didn't get to help put up the tree, he offered to help two times but the boys refused, same goes with Vincent. "That is clearly a three, it's just a bit blurry." Cislo argues holding up the instructions. "Why would the tree top go in the middle?" Norman makes a face. "The tree top has a one." Cislo says defensively ruffling around to find the number of the fake tree stem. Zazie stands there rather quiet (perusal) and confused. Even I'm getting annoyed watching this, I stand up and walk  to the tree. "This is obviously the base, that piece goes in the middle with that pice and then that's the top." I point to every piece. I hear Ray begin laughing in the back as Cislo and Norman sit there in distraught. "You needed a girl to tell you that?" Ray asks. I turn around. "The hell does that mean-" "Y/n!!!" I hear Rossi call. I see him with Nat and smile. "Hey Rossi, Nat." "Did you want to play some Christmas songs?" Nat asked. I nodded slowly. "Sure." I pick up my guitar, I haven't been playing much recently, that's because I'm forgetting. It's something that comes naturally to my hands, but I don't know how. If anything  I'm scared of my guitar.


Y/n and Nat played, Y/n more hesitantly and messed up a few cords, but everyone laughed it off, saying she had "cold hands." The room lingered with a warm atmosphere while kids ran around, some helping decorate the tree and some baking cookies. Y/n wished she could have lived a life like this longer, panic shot through her for a moment wondering, if she did, and she's just forgotten. "Y/n!" Rossi said. Y/n looked up hazed. "Yeah?" Rossi laughed. "You started playing that one song you'd play for Noooormannnn." Rossi teased. Y/n's face heated up. "I-ummm- did I really, I must be tired." Y/n laughed nervously while Norman smiled warmly and laughed walking over to Y/n. "Awe how cute." Norman smiled, kissing Y/n lightly on the cheek. Some of the kids teased making "ooo-ing" sounds, especially Rossi. "Norman!" Y/n said embarrassed. "What?" He laughed. "How about you help us decorate, you and Nat need a break, I don't want your fingers to start bleeding." Norman said softly, taking her small hands in his. Y/n smiled and put her guitar down. 

"Guess who's back!" Barbara came through the door dramatically. Earlier she had had a bit of a tantrum and it was  suggested she gets the food for Christmas. "You guys started decorating without me?" She asked angrily. "There's still the rest of the house." Norman says. "And outside, and we aren't done in here either." Y/n said, knowing Barbara wouldn't stand for just doing outside, she'd say, "It's freezing out there." "You guys just don't want me in here...ext." Barbara was about to argue but even she felt the mood and didn't want to ruin it. "Someone get out here and help me get the bags." Barbara said, as Mom walked in from work. Some kids scrambled to mom, others to help Barbara.

Y/n picked up an ornament a kid had made this year, it was sloppy and quite frankly, the snowman looked more like a sad melting  devilman. "Daisy?" Norman wrapped his arms around her waist, whispering in her ear. "Yeah?" she asked, still aloof. "What's wrong?" Norman asked. Y/n shook her head. "It's nothing." Y/n smiled, starting to look for a place to hang the ornament on the already filled tree. 

After an hour of decorating, Y/n and Norman were called to come upstairs by Rossi. Norman took Y/n's hand leading her up the stairs. "Where are you Rossi?" Y/n asked loud enough for him to most likely hear. "My room!" he called out from down the hall. Y/n sighed now leading the way. Y/n and Norman paused in Rossi's door way. Rossi laughed a little. "What?" Y/n asked with a suspicious grin. "Look up." Rossi laughed. Y/n and Norman looked up hesitantly. "What's that?" Norman asked. Y/n squealed. "I read about one these in one of my books...over there. Anyways! It's a mistletoe, when two people stand under it they have to...oh." Y/n said. Rossi laughed some more. "They have to what?" Norman asked grinning down to Y/n. "They have to kiss." Y/n said truing to Norman. "Oh is that so?" Norman stepped closer to Y/n, taking both of her cold hands in his.

Y/n blushed. "But Rossi is right there." she murmured. Norman chuckled glancing behind her. "So?" he asked looking into the pistil of her daisy eye. Norman leaned down, holding her right hand with his and cupping her face with his left. Their lips met and-


Y/n's eyes were closed but she still saw a large flash.  Y/n backed up as much as she could without hitting the door frame and looked over and Emma was running away with a Polaroid camera in hand and Barbara by her side, both laughing hysterically. "Hey!" Y/n yelled letting go of Norman's hand to chase after them. Norman watched as Y/n flung down the stairs, almost falling over.

"Well played Rossi." Norman grinned, glancing over his shoulder. Rossi stepped up to the door frame to stand next to Norman. "You really love her, don't you?" Rossi asked. Norman nodded slowly. "Sometimes I wonder if love is a big enough word." Norman said. "Treat her right or I'll have to personally fight you." Rossi grinned looking up to Norman. Norman laughed. "Roger that." "Wait." Rossi said looking up slowly at the door frame top...

A/N: I DID ITTTTTTT!! AND I'M SO HAPPY WITH ITTT, hope you all are too! Anyways see you all soon! Also I completely forgot about Emma till she was mentioned halfway through, so we can just say she was at soccer/volleyball practice, whatever sport you think she'd play.

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