Chapter #9

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Norman was knocked out, and when he woke up he was in a cell. The first thing that hit him was the brightness of the room, next the sore pain on the right side of his chest, next the screams. He sat up quickly and looked around. He decided to try and remember what happened. But all he can remember is taking the mans hand, then it all went black. 

He pulled the neck of his shirt down to see what the sore pain was.  It was a tatto, it was strange shapped with a unique disign. He put his hand to it and his head snapped up when he heared the cell door open. "Good morning Normam." A woman in a lab coat smiled. "Glad you woke up in time for breakfast, we thought you'd never wake." She held her arm out indecading Norman to walk out. He hesiated and she looked at him. "Get up, now." She said, her tone competlely changing. 

"Where am I?" Norman asked walking to her. She smiled. "A lab." She simply said. "Lambda, if you must know the name." She said . They bagn walking and Norman saw all sorts of rooms. But they all had kids, it apeared most of them were dead. "Help!" Some screamed. And some screamed bloody marry. Norman watched in fear as they walked past the rooms. 

The hallways would apear to be a kids hospital but though the windows, was a hell house. "It's bettr not to look, it'll make you less scared later." The woman smiled.  Norman looked up to her in fear. 

They stopped at a door at the end of the hallways. "Boss wanted to have breakfast with you." The woman smiled and opened the door for Norman. He walked in and the lady left. He looked up and the man that had asked him to come here, was sitting in a chair infornt of him. "Welcome Norman I'm happy you finally decided to wake." He smiled warmly, but it was obvious it was fake, when his expretion instantly turned harsh. "Sit, Norman." He said grinning. "Where am I?" Norman asked harshly sitting down, but catiously. "I'll be honest with you, since I have no intestions of killing you, yet at least. You're at a lab and it's name is Lambda. It's a combanation of people and demons experimenting on you kids, to see if we can preserve your brains and make them grow faster." The man floded his hand and grinned. "Now please eat."He smiled. 

Norman glared at him, shocked and horrified. He slowly took a bite and relaized how stupid he was, instantly he realized the food was poisend. He passed out again. 

When he woke up he was in a chair, a small room, with white walls. There was a test, like from the orphanage. "Put the headphones on, and begin the test." A voice said through the speakers. Norman got chills and began. 'This is easy, just like back at home.'  He grinned. Soon he had finsished. The scientist' looked over his scores. "I knew he was smart, but he finished so fast, and a perfect score at that." One of them said. "It remind me of, the girl."

Over the weeks, Norman would be drugged than have to take a test, to see if his time improved, or decreased, or if his grades get better or worse. Norman walked to his cell and fell onto his bed. For the past couple night he began imagining the sounds of Y/n's guitar again, it sounded like her playing Dr. Normal and Diasy everynight, but it was just halutanations from the drugs. 

He laid in bed as the guitar sound rang through his head drivning him insane. He soon started  humming along to the tune of Dr. Norman and Daisy, while he held his pillow in horrific pain. 

A couple week later while Norman was being taken to take a test after being drugged, the sounds of screaming a groaning rang though Norma's ears. He looked up to his right and looked through on of the many glass windows. He stopped and his eyes widened. 

The girl was chaned to a wall with her head down, she looked... dead? "Let's move along now Norman." The lady that was taransfering him pushed him along. "Y/n..." Norman said with a tear falling from his eye. 

Dr. Normal and Daisy  (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now