Chapter #31

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We sat a moment in quiet I waited for his answer as I took, him, in. How tall he was compared to me. How his face is more structured now, how he isn't, well a kid anymore. I sigh thinking how we're all that way. Me, Norman, Ray, Emma, even baby little Rossi. I bring my hand to my face, then quickly look at Norman as he starts talking.


"The night at the fair," Norman stared. "The days at the orphanage." Norman said. Y/n's eyes opened wider, and Norman grabbed her hand tighter. "The night before you left and the letter you wrote to me." Norman paused. "The days we spent decaying in Lambda, the night I met you in your room. Exactly what they did to you, and what they did to me. About the days we spent planning to kill all of those demons." Normans voice shook. "When I confessed my love for you the first time." Norman whispered, finally looking at the creek. 'We need to talk about all of it." Norman said. Y/n nodded accepting it.

Do you remember the day everyone was told you were being sent off?" Norman asked. Y./n shook her head slowly. "I don't remember much, from the orphanage. Only some important things." "When we were told you almost started crying, so you ran off to the bathroom, and came back like nothing happened." Norman laughed lightly. "You'd do that a lot, run away and hide your feelings." His voice stiffened. "And it worked, nobody noticed, not even Ray. I would pretend not to, because I knew if I even asked, you'd just brush me off, change the topic." He said. "But the day you were being sent off, you avoided me. It broke my heart, but I thought it was your choice, and if you didn't want to talk to me you didn't have to." Norman pursued his lips, not daring to glance at Y/n. "But then that evening, you and Nat played Dr. Normal and Daisy, you played guitar, and he played piano. I shattered, I couldn't hold anything in anymore, I broke down in tears." Norman said, swallowing his current tears. "And that night, you took me to your spot, with the trees cleared so you could perfectly see the moon, just like this.

Y/n came to a stop abruptly. "Close your eyes." She said. Norman nodded. She led him a few more steps. "Open" She said. He opened his eyes. There was a blanket laid on the ground . Fireflies lit up the area, along with the stars and moon. "You can see the moon perfectly from here." Y/n smiled. Norman returned the smile. They walked to the blanket and sat down. "Sorry for waking you, I just wanted you to see this before I left." Y/n said quietly. "It's okay, I'm happy you did, now I get to spend a little more time with you." He smiled. "This spot looks completely different in the morning." Norman said. "I know right." Y/n laid down and watched the stars. "You have a perfect view of the stars here." Norman nodded. "Oh look a shooting star." Norman said. They both made a wish. "What'd you wish for?" Norman asked. "You can't tell remember." Y/n laughed. "Oh yeah." He laughed back. "Or it won't come true." Norman smiled. Something hit him when he said that. "Y/n." He said. "Hmm?" Y/n hummed. "We've been friends a while and-"

"And I confessed to you, but you had fallen asleep." Norman laughed, Y/n smiled lightly to herself. "I was glad to see you were finally getting some sleep after all." The creek seemed to clam over time, but still collided with the rocks, and if it hit hard enough, the water sprinkled across Y/n and Norman's face, chilling them both more. "Do you remember the notes you wrote?" Norman asked, Y/n shook her head yes.

'Hey Norman, I'm probably with my new family right now! I hope you won't miss me too much. Think about it like this. 1 HUGE game of tag. I'm waiting for you to find me, you haven't been able to do it before, but I know you'll find me. I'm writing this because I know I won't have enough time to say bye. That day I said I lost my pick I had already made the necklace, I was actually writing this. ANYWAYS. Norman you meant so so much to me while I was here and I don't know what I'm going to do without you. But I'll write a song about you. All of you. I'll play our song everyday, don't forget it, don't forget me, that's all I'm asking, kay? Anyways I'll see you again, some day. Again Norman, until then, I couldn't have been happier meet you, Dr. Normal.'
- Daisy(P.S. can you give my other letter out, thanks!)

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