Chap 1

202 14 3

Felix pov

I woke up to the sunlight hurting my eyes. Why are the blinds even open? I thought.

I got out of bed and went to get myself ready.
My outfit of the day was pretty decent.
A yellow sweater paired with converse and gray pants.

Once I was dressed, I took my suppressants and headed for school

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Once I was dressed, I took my suppressants and headed for school.
At the school

"Felix," my name yelled across the hall. Who the fuck is calling? I turn around to see Jisung running to me with his boyfriend, Minho, after him. "Hey ji," I hugged him while waving to Minho.

We started walking to our first class, and from the corner of my eye, I could see the couple being all lovey-dovey. It would be a big lie to say I wasn't obvious of the two. I wish I had someone to love just as they loved each other. As much as I wanted to meet I wanted to meet my alpha, I really don't know my chances of getting a good one with father I have. But I have hope

Third-person pov

Hyunjin was in the art room, painting yet another flower. So far this week, he has painted four Ikebanas'. He's currently adding finishing touches to a composition of big purple flowers and smaller yellow ones. As he's doing so, the bell rings, signaling that class is over.

He closed the paint bottles and started to wash the brushes. He put the board on a stand, where it tried for the rest of the day, and left for lunch. When in the long lunch line, he waited patiently while giving the girls giggling around him some cringe-out faces. He has always received this type of attention from both boys and girls. He knew he had a handsome face and didn't mind the adoorating, but he was really tired of hearing them praise him.

He took out the cafeteria and went to the rooftop with it. He always ate there, where it was silent and peaceful. He did not have many friends, you know. Though he was quite popular for his looks, he never met a true friend at school.

Hyunjin looked down from the roof while thinking of all his problems at home. It has been a while since the accident, and still he hasn't told his mom a thing. He felt bad for
his mother who worked herself up to care for him and his father while not knowing what the man had done.

But then again, he thought of how he wasn't very different from his father. Though
Hyunjin has yet to find his omega. He was still a fuckboy. He thought of how he always went to parties and got drunk later to wake up in an unknown girl's bed.

As he thought of these different images of a drunk man, alcohol, music, and naked girls, A smirk splattered his lips; he found joy in all the fucking he was doing. A better experience every day, he said, letting out a satisfied sign, which quickly cut off with a groan.

He felt pain in his chest. His pup was kicking him on the inside.

'What will our omega think of this?' Jiniret spoke to him with anger, continuing the kick.

"Stop" Hyunjin said, "I don't really care what they will think."

'Will you not commit to our omega' The pup spoke again.

" no, i don't owe anything, and if it feels threaten or insecure about me being with other, then that is there problems not mine"

'How could you say such a thing, you regret it' Jiniret kick hyunjin hard causing him to let out some tears . " fuck you" he curse the pup. That's how there conversation ended before he went to class.

I updated the description of the book so if you want to you can read it.

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