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The next days of school got better than the previous days – and tiring due to the amount of homework our teachers gave us each day. Honestly, I did not mind it. I understand that not many students love homework, but I think it is a good way to improve myself. My goal in high school is to be Hyosan High School's top student. Hopefully, it will happen.

It was better because I rejoined the Grade 11 band, music is one of the things that keeps me happy and free from the real world. I play the clarinet in a band. But I can also play the flute, snare drums, alto saxophone, and oboe. At home, I am level 8 in piano, level 8 in guitar, and level 8 in violin. My mom made sure I was busy. I enjoyed being busy because it taught me how to manage my time between school, hanging out with family and friends, and after-school activities. My favorite part of the band is performing in front of millions of people. I always enjoyed the sound of roaring audiences. Jungkook also joined the Grade 11 band and played the drums.

Usually, at lunchtime, I would mostly sit with Lisa, Jihyo, Seokmin, Bahng, and Mingyu. Now, we're sitting with a bigger group of people since I started befriending Jungkook. Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Chaeyoung, Hye-jin, Momo, Hyunjin, Yeji, and Sana were very kind and welcoming towards us. Namjoon kept asking questions about my school week and even said he could tutor me in any subject, including Math. Namjoon even shared some of his favorite books, bike riding areas, and his favorite artists. Hoseok, who is probably the bubbliest out of our friend group, loved talking about dance, and favorite fashion brands and even said that he hoped to open his fashion line in the future. Hoseok even discussed that his favorite fashion brand is Louis Vuitton and he hoped to be their ambassador one day. He also had a very contagious laugh and smile that can make your mental health issues vanish. Jimin and Taehyung were like soulmates, always flirting with each other. Although, it's mostly Jimin who enjoys flirting with Taehyung more. 

I learned that they got adopted by a very wealthy couple who kindly took them in from an orphanage because always wished to have as many children as possible. I guess their parents did a decent job taking care of them to not act like snobby and entitled wealthy people. 

Momo, Sana, Chaeyoung, Hye-jin, and Yeji treated us girls like their sisters. Sometimes during the weekend, they would invite Lisa, Jihyo, and me for a girl's night. It's either the movies, getting our nails done, going shopping, or pretty much anywhere.

Hye-jin and Namjoon were my seniors which meant they were going to graduate this year. They said that they were planning to attend the same university together, open a tech company, get married, and have kids together.

"You're going to invite us to the wedding, right?" I asked.

"Ji-An and I can be your flower girl!" Lisa exclaimed.

That made Namjoon laugh.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to invite you guys," said Namjoon.  

Jungkook and I had gotten closer each time we saw each other. We would walk to class together and he would walk me home more often. Jungkook would always invite me to sit next to him during lunchtime, which I gladly did. I know I was supposed to have a crush on Bahng, but it is obvious that I was crushing on Jungkook more. Hearts really can change. Although, I was not sure if Bahng was either okay or frustrated about the fact that I was falling for Jungkook. Bahng always looked happy whenever we had lunch together, but then he would avoid me whenever I tried talking to him alone.

 I never wanted Bahng to avoid me since we had been best friends since childhood. It hurts to see him trying to distance himself from me. I could not sleep afterward, which caused Mom to keep asking why I had dark shadows under my eyes the next morning.

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