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Already Gone is part 2

Natasha POV

It's been two weeks since the battle against Thanos and the Black Order. Two weeks since half the universe died, since she died. And for what? So there's more resources for the rest of us? So we can all grieve but still supposed to be grateful that we lived? No one has been the same since. I would give anything to see her again. Just to hold her and hear her say it one more time. 

2 years ago, Scotland

Looking up at the stars, Wanda and I are lying on the roof, holding hands. The boys couldn't stop arguing over what movie to watch so we decided to watch something better - the night sky. Suddenly, there's a flash above us. "Did you see that?" I ask and get a nod. "Did you make a wish?" Wanda asks. This time I nod. "What did you wish?" I look up at the sky and sigh. "I wished we could go back to the compound and not pretend to be people we aren't." She pulled me closer. "It was made all for you, you know," she gazes at me. "The universe was made just to be seen by your eyes. It is infinite but only we are looking at it from this rooftop, at these very stars... Our very existence is a miracle." She states, staring into my soul at every word. We share a passionate but gentle kiss.

A tear rolls down my cheek at the memory. Everyday, she has told me the same thing ever since, knowing I see myself as a trained assassin and a trained assassin only. In return I told her about the stars - how light carries on endlessly, even after death. We never came to terms with who we are as people, humans. But we always told each other how brilliant we truly are, even if we could never see that through our own eyes. We always saw the good in each other especially when the other couldn't. We always had a constant reminder. We made the other better, whether that be what we thought of ourselves or how we treated others. Everything else never mattered, as long as we had each other. But now, I sit here, staring at the same wall for hours, just thinking, wishing that you were still here to tell me about the universe.

"You know, I'd offer to cook you dinner but you seem pretty miserable already," Steve said as he entered the room. "You here to do your laundry?" I half-ask. "Came to see a friend," he replied. "Well, clearly your friend is fine," I attempt to smile at him. "You know, I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge," he informs me, changing the subject. "In the Hudson?" I ask, surprised as there are never normally whales in the river. "There's fewer ships, cleaner water-" I cut him off. "If you're about to tell me to look on the brightside, um... I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich," I smile at him. He hums, "Sorry, force of habit." He walks over to me.

He sits across from me, putting his jacket and keys on the desk. I pick up my plate and move it closer to him, silently offering it to him. "You know, I keep telling everyone they should move on, grow. Some do. But not us," he says, his eyes fixed on me. "If I move on, who does this?" I ask, my eyes welling with tears. "Maybe it doesn't need to be done," he retaliates. "...I used to have nothing, and then I got this... this job... this family. And I was, I was better because of it. And even though their gone, she's gone... I'm still trynna be better," I say, tears streaming down my face. "We'll bring them back... We'll bring her back, Nat. I know how much you miss her."

I love you, Wanda. I will never stop loving you. We are working on a way to bring you all back, but it seems like it's gonna take a while. I will think about you everyday until then, until I can hold you in my arms again and never let go. I've made that mistake once, I won't make it again.


You taught me the courage of stars before you left
How life carries on endlessly, even after death
With shortness of breath
You explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist

I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again
I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes

I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again
I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes

With shortness of breath
I'll explain the infinite
How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist

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