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Wanda's POV

I was lying in a hospital bed in a room Tony designed to withstand my powers, cradling my newborn daughter with my wife lying next to me, holding our baby's tiny hand. We both had smiles painted on our faces looking at the tiny human with such adoration. Nat always wanted a kid but after what happened at the Red Room it wasn't really possible. 

"She has your eyes," I heard my beautiful wife say. "She has your hair," I replied. We both smiled widely and snuggled into each other more. "What should we call her?" I asked after a moments of silence. Cuddling, we both thought for a minute before we both said, "Aliana." We shared a laugh. We have always been on the same page, so much so the boys find it annoying on a good day. "Aliana Yelena, after your sister," I suggested to which she gave me a loving smile, lighting up the whole room. "Aliana Yelena Maximoff-Romanoff. I love it!" Natasha beamed at me and kissed my head. "Aliana Yelena Maximoff-Romanoff," I repeated. I gazed back at our daughter who was gripping onto Natasha's hand as she got used to world around her.

"May these words be the first to find your ears
The world is brighter than the sun now that you're here
Though your eyes will need some time to adjust
To the overwhelming light surrounding us," I started to sing and Natasha joined in.

"I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
I'll hold the world to it's best
And I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I'll defend your every breath
And I'll do better

'Cause you are loved, you are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days to prove it so
Though your heart is far too young to realize
The unimaginable light you hold inside

I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will rearrange the stars
Pull 'em down to where you are
I promise I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I'll defend your every breath
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
Hold the world to its best
I promise I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I'll defend your every breath."

Leaning down, I planted a gentle kiss to Aliana's head, taking in the sight of her asleep in my arms, safe from all the horrors the universe could throw at us. She brought so many possibilities, so much hope for the future. I couldn't wait to watch her grow up, to hear her first word, walk for the first time, not have to use a diaper, her first tooth to fall out. I know Nat is excited too. She has been so supportive over the last nine months, I couldn't be more grateful. I love her so much, I admire her. She has gone through so much but has done it with such grace, such beauty.

If you'd told me 5 years ago that I would have a beautiful, intelligent and talented wife and the most adorable daughter, I never would have believed you. My life has taken a turn I didn't think was possible. The light in my life now balances out all the darkness. I only thought I would dream of moments like this, never live one. I never thought this life was possible, only a fairy tale told to children to disguise all the atrocities occurring elsewhere. But here I am, living it with so much gratitude. If my family could see me now, meet Aliana and Natasha, my life would be complete.

Wandanat/Scarlizzie one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now