Chapter 21 - drunk and dazed

Start from the beginning

Well, fuck it. Youngbin finally lifted his finger from the space button, turned off his tablet, grabbed his phone again. Alex' chat was still open, the last message sent at 7:15.

» arrived at the min hq 👍🏾will let u know when shit goes down! «

Maybe shit simply hadn't gone down yet. Maybe that was the reason for his silence. Youngbin hoped to god it was. He hesitated, his fingers hovering over the screen, before finally typing:

» Hi just wanted to check if you're doing alright :) «

That already sounded stupid. Too late though, he'd sent it. He put the phone down, and sat there. He wasn't quite sure what exactly he was waiting for. Well, probably a text back that told him there was nothing to worry about. Maybe Alex had already come home, before midnight, to catch some sleep, like a good guy. Probably not.

Youngbin rested his head on his desk. He felt like an idiot. More so than usual. He felt like his own mother, not being able to bear the thought of someone doing something that wasn't totally clean and pure and good and fine and legal. And he also felt like Kaya, not being able to bear the thought that someone was having fun in public just like that.

He turned his head. Then turned it around again. Then stared at his phone. Turned his head away again. Life was hell and he wished Alex were here. In his room. Fine and safe and sober. He turned his head back to his phone, and it lit up.

New message.




U gotta br here tooooo plhz come ovber «

So much for being sober. But fine. Whatever. It was a party. Of course he'd drink.

» u mids youre prettry face u goota come «

» *your «

» my what «

» Forget it

Are you really ok? «

» woufl ferl bettr with youuuuuuz «

» Are you VERY drunk or normal drunk «


» Okay I see that explains it «

Youngbin rolled his eyes, sighed. He was just drunk. At a party. Being drunk at a party was the most normal thing ever. Nothing about it was worrisome or bad or panic inducing. Alex was fine. Having fun, actually. It was fine.

Another message appeared.

» h «

Okay. He was fine. Alex was doing just fine. Youngbin rubbed his eyes, sighed again, checked the clock. 11:31. Too early to go to bed, but probably the better choice. He'd rather try to sleep now than to pretend to do school work for another five hours. And it wasn't like there was going to come anything else from Alex now.

It. Was. Fine.

Margo and Lani were there, and Min, and probably a lot of other people that could watch out for him, or be worse than him. It was fine. It'd become a mantra by now, it was fine, it was fine, it was fine.

Until he got another message. Unknown number.

» hellooo is this mister young bean lee

i am reaching out to you regarding your boyfriends extended warranty «

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