Jisung-Stomach Ache

Start from the beginning

"Do you think you need to puke?" felix asked jisung worriedly, who was hunched over, both hands on his stomach, wincing in pain.

"C..can we not talk about anything that happens when you're s..sick?" Jisung, on the verge of tears, somehow managed to choke out some words before closing his eyes back, trying to focus on something else, really wanting this to get over with.

"Guys we're here, jisung you can hop off now." Lee Know parked quickly at the gas station, opening the door for Jisung, who was doubling over the pain and also shaky. Lee Know kneeled down next to jisung who was crouched down with both hands on his stomach and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down a little.

"Sung, Jisung, you're gonna be fine, Hyunjin is calling Chan hyung, they are a little behind us so they'll be coming soon yea?" Jisung nodded with teary eyes, looking down on the ground.

"H-hyung?" Jisung just stared at the ground as he tried to call for Lee Know.

"Yeah?" He replied softly as he pushed the sweaty bangs out of Jisung's face.

"Can I go use the bathroom?"

"Yea sure, do you want help?"

"No, I- I'm fine...." Jisung said as he got up carefully and walked to the public bathroom. The rest just stared at Jisung as he went inside.

"Hey Jeongin, did you call Chan hyung?" Felix asked the younger who was walking back to the car.

"I did and they are stuck in the traffic, but they said it's moving quickly so they'll be here in 5 minutes." Hyunjin replied with a worried face.

"I'm gonna go to the pharmacy, If Jisung comes back, just let him sit in the car or the bench or just, just whatever, give him some space and- you know what, just let him do what he feels like." Lee Know spoke and he ran to the store and immediately started looking for antacids, only to be able to figure out they are gone.

"Shit." he swore under his breath, they were out of stock, he managed to grab some fever reducers and a heating pad but that was it. He was only hoping for jisung to be out and be open to at least one person who drove to here with him.

"Is he out yet?" Lee Know asked as he walked back to the car, with some useless or maybe useful stuff in his hand. Jeongin and Felix shook their heads.

"Hyung I don't think it'll be the best idea to check him though, he might be stressed, it might be the best to let him be." Felix look around as he spoke, staring at the bathroom door. They stared at each other by some point and when they turned around, they saw a small figure of person walking towards their car.

Jisung walked back to the car after his not so pleasant incident, he heard Felix and Hyunjin asking him something but he was a little to overwhelmed and embarrassed. He opened the back seat door and sat down on his seat, he was pretty sure he had a fever now. His head started to hurt a little, his body was burning but he felt freezing cold, his sore middle refusing to leave him alone and he still felt like his stomach was trying to get rid of things even though he just did. He felt miserable, he just wanted to have a pleasant drive but he couldn't. He just curled up in his own seat and put his head on his knees, bringing his legs closer to his chest. He just prayed that it will pass.


"Jesus Christ! How long will this take?" Changbin asked Chan impatiently. He was too worried to do anything. He was holding his bag tight with a bunch of emergency stuff in it.

"Changbin, calm down,no swearing in the car, we're gonna be there in like 3 minutes unless-" Chan trailed off as he had to step on the brake again. The traffic was now being even worse.

"Well- I guess we're gonna be stuck here for another 5 minutes." Chan told the group as he started at the car in front of them.

"Shit really?" Seungmin swore loud enough for everyone in the car to hear.

"SEUNGMIN!" Chan shouted at the younger one as he stepped on the axel.

"What? It's not my fault, I gotta pee!" Seungmin shouted back.

"Seungmin just- Oh my god-" Hyunjin side eyed Seungmin who acted like it was so natural while seungmin just looked at Changbin who was sighing every second.

"Hyung what if-"

"Changbin, Just calm down, He's gonna be fine, he's with Lee Know." Chan tried to calm down lee know, but he couldn't.

"Y'all we're like 2 minutes away so if you guys want to use the bathroom or buy anything get ready to get out of the car." Chan said with his serious tone, turning to the corner. He saw the other car that the other half of the members took parked and parked next to them. Changbin hopped off the car and went to see what really happened while Seungmin decided to refill the gas.

"What's going on?" Chan asked worriedly as he saw lee know walking away to the back where no one was with Jisung.

"Lee Know hyung said he wanted to talk with Jisung for just a little, they're gonna be back soon though," Jeongin replied as he looked at the 2 figures walking away, the silhouette becoming blurrier as the farther they went.

Jisung was only walking because Lee Know told him that walking it off might be a great idea. He really wasn't paying attention to the surroundings so he didn't even realise they were at the back of the gas station where no one was. He lifted his head up as Lee Know stopped walking and started pushing his sweaty bangs out of his forehead.

"What going on?" Lee Know asked Jisung as he looked into the younger's eyes directly. Jisung looked down, trying to avoid the older's gaze and trying to speak.

"I-I got motion sickness..." He lied, not wanting tell him that his stomach was upset as hell and he had some bathroom issues while he was gone.

"I'm pretty sure motion sickness only bothers the upper abdomen and not the upper one. And you won't get a fever from that but you do apparently,"

"N-no it's just hot here.."

"But it's only 10C out here and you're saying it's hot here?"

"....fine- My stomach hurts..." Jisung finally spoke up, his voice barely over whisper.

"that's okay but why didn't you tell anyone?" 

"I-i thought i was going to ruin everything a-and Stays might not approve it y-you know?" 

"But you had enteritis last tour in Manila and they said it was okay, Jisung they care about you, you shouldn't be sorry or apologetic about this," 

"What's going on?" Felix barged in out of nowhere as lee know was about to reaussure jisung.

"n-nothing?" Jisung replied quickly and hid behind lee know, he really didn't know what to do at this point.

"hey why are you? oh, let me hug you! that's what i came for!" Felix spoke as he hugged jisung, lee know smiled

"see? I'm not mad, he's not mad, nobody is, you didn't ruin anything jisung" lee know spoke softly as he gently ruffled his hair and walked away, leaving the rest to felix. Felix didn't do much, he just opened his arms and used his hugging to help jisung calm down a bit. He then led jisung back to the car, realising the camera on the other car was on but he didn't worry much since innie shut the camera down for jisung's sake.

"I bought antacids" jeongin spoke to jisung in the car as he handed them over carefully. Jisung smiled weakly and accepted it, looking out at the window, as he wondered what the other people in the other car would be doing.


I'm sorry if it sounds rushed! I just didn't want to delay it anymore!

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