HyunIn-Fainting pt.2

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Jeongin's body didn't listen.........

the last thing he remembered before fainting was hyunjin hold him and screaming out his name. his vision blurred and blacked out too instantly for him to even react.

"JESEUS CHRIST WHAT DO WE DO!" hyunjin was shaking, he pushed the wet bangs of the younger out of his face and wiped the sweats away. Jisung came from the vending machine with a cold water to cool jeongin off. he gently pressed the bottle on jeongin's cheeks and let him cool off. Chan sprinted towards where Jeongin was and checked his tempreture. 

"Shit he's warm, I think he has a fever." Chan spoke as he had his left hand on jeongins head and the other under jeongin's head. Poor Hyunjin was in panic, things were happening too fast for his brain to generate. Hyunjin stood there awkwardly, his head was white as a blank sheet of paper.

"H-hyung what if he-" Hyunjin hardly blurted out to Chan. He was in a panic state where he felt like he might pass out. First, He thought Jeongin was sick since the morning, Second, He was keeping an eye out for Jeongin, he even saw Jeongin stumble and trip a few times, Third, He just passed out just as Hyunjin thought he was overreacting. But it turned out that he was never overreacting.

"Hyunjin, You have to calm down or else Jeongin might panic because of you when he wakes up, Just breathe okay?" Chan cut off Hyunjin as he made Hyunjin sit next to Jeongin. Hyunjin sighed and gently pushed out the sweaty bang of jeongin's out of his face. He felt hot and flinched at the touch. Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows and then slowly opened his eyes, being blinded by the lights. Hyunjin couldn't say anything, he was too scared if he would startle the youngest. He just hugged him tightly as jeongin sat up.

"Innie how are you feeling?" Hyunjin asked as he helped Jeongin get to the couch, lee know handed jeongin a water bottle. Changbin volunteered to grab a thermometer from Chan's studio and maybe some advil if there was.

"...I don't know...my head hurts a little b-but it's fine, it's been like this for a few days now-" Jeongin started speaking but Hyunjin cut him off.

"For a few days? Innie have you been sleeping these days?" Hyunjin asked carefully as he moved a little closer to Jeongin, he put his hand on jeongin's back and gently rubbed it.

"yea I- I mean.....not really...." Jeongin leaned on Hyunjin as he muttered out. He still felt sleepy and dizzy but he couldn't sleep when he tried to. Hyunjin just helped jeongin stand up, he stumbled a little at first but was better. Soon enough, Changbin sprinted back to the studio with a thermometer and a small box of advil and tylenole. 

"I- *gasp- Got the *gasp, jesus christ-," Changbin tried to tell everyone that he got the stuff Chan asked him for but he was out of breath and also, everyone noticed it, so it didn't really matter. He quickly caught his breath and walked up to the younger, putting the thermometer in jeongin's ears and checking for a fever.

"it's 37.8, it's just a mild fever, he'll be fine I think," Changbin read out loud after the thermometer screen turned orange. Hyunjin sighed with relief and pulled the youngest closer to him. Jeongin leaned on Hyunjin and closed his eyes, he was sleepy. Jeongin yawned as he let hyunjin carry him to the car, the members decided to put lee now with 3racha and hyunjin's dorm and hyunjin in the other dorm. When they got to the car, jeongin was already half asleep, Hyunjin put jeongin in the middle with him himself on the left and felix on the right to make sure jeongin won't hit his head on the windows if they got into accidents.

Luckily, they never actually got into any accidents during the drive back home so it was totally fine. Hyunjin got out of the car first and carried the youngest who was asleep. He slowly entered the dorm while taking his and jeongin's shoes off as he did. He gently placed jeongin on his bed and laid down next to him, stroking the bangs out of the younger's face. Jeongin shivered a little, snuggling into Hyunjin's embrace as he did. He slowly started to relax more and eventually went to the state where Hyunjin would gently shake the younger and won't wake up. Hyunjin looked at jeongin as his eyes started to blur. drops of water fell onto the bed sheet. Hyunjin sniffled a little as he rubbed his eyes, he slowly just decided to exist next to jeongin, silently crying. Jeongin moved a little, his sleep wasn't gonna last long. He slowly opened his eyes, only to see his boyfriend crying next to him.

"....hyung? w-why are you crying- hyung please don't cry..." jeongin said as his eyes widened with shock, startling himself. He froze for a few second before wiping the older's tears and trying to hug him.

"I-I'm sorry I was just worried okay?" Jeongin nodded in response, he hugged Hyunjin tightly as Hyunjin did too. He put his head on Hyunjin's shoulder to tell Hyunjin he was there with him. 

"Hyung it's my fault, I- I really shouldn't have tried to stay up all night, I- thought I was slowing you down...." Jeongin spoke up as he snuggled in more to hyunjin, he really shouldn't have stayed up, not sleeping for 4 days. Hyunjin sighed and opened the drawer next to the bed, taking out a small container of melatonine. He opened the container, handed a pill to jeongin and left the room, coming back with a glass of water. he gave both to innie and sat down next to him on the bed. jeongin swallowed his pills and laid back down, cuddling with Hyunjin. he slowly closed his eyes as hyunjin whispered to him.

"Innie, you're the best maknae in the world, you will never slow us down," hyunjin said as he gently rubbed jeongin's back, trying to lure him into sleep. jeongin yawned as he snuggled farther in, enjoying hyunjin's soft embrace as Hyunjin hugged him.


I am so sorry this soo long and if you thought this story was rushed, again, I'm sorry. (exams suck)

luckily, I'm finished with my exams :)

requests are still open :)

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